
Circle the wagons! This! IF you find someone trustworthy, it can be a lifesaver! Honesty is the #1 rule (except when it will get you in trouble - like if you are in HR and I ask about someone getting reprimanded). Support each other on and off the job (if possible). This includes work projects, personal issues,

Yes but what one mini habit did you change?

Thanks - It is a new battery but I did drop the phone and the battery popped out. I've checked it and it "looks" fine but I may have to buy another one.

This is why I have been keeping my original Droid X from 2010. But now the screen is developing "burn" spots from who knows what. We have the unlimited Verizon plan and were just doing the calculations like you mentioned and it is close... sigh.

How about "Can I safely do it?"

Virtual or literal? ;)

We do a mixture of spend and save and pay off the house (just passed the 50% mark in less than four years). What works for me is calculating how long I have to work (NET paycheck) to pay for something. Then I ask myself: Is this item or activity worth X amount of work hours?

lalalalalala i'm not listening lalalalala

Use this to understand the mistake so that you don't repeat it. Ask "why" five times to get past the symptoms and down to the underlying causes. How could you have avoided the problem? More information, wider participation, better discipline, tighter controls, better judgment, a better sense of timing? Make changes

If you have time to complain, you have time to change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude about it. THEN you can punch a coworker in the throat. Namaste bitches*!

But will I be able to take my 10:35 McBreak?

(((hugs))) Sorry about your loss

Thanks a bunch. I didn't want to get any work done today #squee

The employees must love the long term, repeated exposures to toxins! What a great company perk! #sarcasm

This. If you know you have lots of lights, traffic, whatever, just leave early and go with the flow. Practice mindful driving, and be careful.

Which is why I live and work in Sanford. Two stop lights: One at the beginning of the bypass and one at the end. C'mon down! :)

I prefer the upper body workouts ;)


How much is it worth to ya? ;)

This and This.