Great article! After putting off knee replacement for 15 years (seriously), I'm trying to price the cost so we can budget our flexible spending account for next year. SO.MANY. VARIABLES!
If we don't start our cars every day during the winter, the mice get in and make homes with the firewall insulation. What a mess!
Or reading it on a Sunday ;)
And don't check lifehacker... :)
This. I block out time to work on post meeting tasks, prep for meetings, etc.
This. I block out time to work on post meeting tasks, prep for meetings, etc.
Thanks! I'll try that!
Playing golf :)
This. Seemingly hours of intertwined, complex story lines full of action and drama leave me totally wiped out when I wake up. When I tell Mr Safety about my dreams, he just looks at me, shakes his head, and offers "You're weird."
I had to mute the video. Chewing gum like that = nails on a chalkboard.
Take the time to read the tiny print at the end. Priceless!
Okay, I watched the video. I DO want job security like this!
Okay, I want job security, but not like this :/
Am I gonna be the only one to admit her shock when she wanders down the cereal aisle to see the prices?
Mr Safety and I pick out recipes on Friday night. I shop as soon as the store opens the next morning and spend Saturday morning cooking and baking (and maybe part of Sunday if something new doesn't work out). Then, we have lunch and dinner for the entire week , and there's just have salad to make :)
hehe I used the Dumb Ways To Die video in safety training, now the song is stuck in everyone's head. But, they will remember the lessons we discussed ;)