I’m sure you also have pretty strict rules as to when it’s relevant
I’m sure you also have pretty strict rules as to when it’s relevant
I’ve got this: In today’s episode of “nobody is allowed to mention race, ever, without some mayo shithead filling their diapers and demanding an explanation”
Ah, don garber in the house! Fucking nerd.
Uhh aside from that not really being important, it’s a little weird that you are so knowledgeable on the subject
Blake Griffin is not a wing player.
I think that Hillary should run in the next election, she will absolutely crush it this time around
You might be taking this a little too seriously
Matt Holliday has been making baseball fun in that exciting, boneheaded way for a long time - and the fact that he’s done it for both the cardinals and the Yankees is proof that we *can* have good things.
Ok, is there a small chance that he looked away at contact *just* long enough to not see that the ball hit the ground? As in, he hears the crack of the bat, looks ahead for a split second, and when he looks back at first, the ball is on a line into Moreland’s glove, so Holliday thinks he’s about to get doubled off…
That’s the worst book title I have ever seen.
“let me awkwardly climb on top of you for 30 seconds and I promise I will cum before your parents can hear”
Do any of them have sex at any point? Like, with an adult human? Because THAT would be worth seeing.
I’m just over 30 and was stunned the other day when a friend of mine, who is *maybe* 20 years older than me, revealed that the prevailing thought of his day was that even water was unacceptable during a workout because it caused cramps. Water!
You are clearly not familiar with demarcus cousins.
Yes, although your list is incomplete
I stopped reading when you said men don’t have to defend the athleticism inherent in their sports. Which is silly enough, but then you use BASEBALL as an example? Baseball is the only major sport (and second overall maybe to golf) that is frequently subjected to that attack.
The funniest thing about this comment section is being able to pick out all the dipshit Americans that scream like this is a bad thing. Meanwhile, the rest of the world passes them by...
Because that’s one of the oldest jokes around - people see “OIL” upside down and want to fill it with 710 fluid
How much are they paying you? I assume you’re part of the payroll with all of the “us” nonsense
Yeah man. So what’s next, you wanna go to the common room and talk about apartheid?