My heart is shitting my diaper

A pewdiepie Stan! Hello there

Joe Rogan is not half as compelling or intelligent as he wants you to think he is. You got duped.

He never *had* to do any of those things. Yes, that’s because of his size, but what is your suggestion to a guy that’s averaging 30 and 12 without going outside the paint, or even to the elbow? Shoot more jumpers? Lose weight? Dribble more?

Captain bitchitude over here

Yeah, I’d bail the fuck out of this if I were you, too.

No, you fucktard. I’ve been saying the same thing all along: a joke that requires a disclaimer is, at best, a shitty joke not worth telling, and at worst, just an excuse to say something offensive.

That’s literally the basis of every workplace harassment HR video, but OK dude

I’m not sure why I have to be the one to explain this to you, but if it requires a disclaimer, is “offensive to a group of people,” and is also not funny... Then you have failed miserably at telling a joke that is objectively not funny and also probably not even an actual joke.

A good joke doesn’t require a disclaimer.

I could give a fuck about the Patriots, but you’re speaking some bullshit. It was Brady’s fifth. I think people are going to bring that up every now and then.

Nah, they won’t. The falcons will continue to falcon, only now they’ve lost the only offensive coordinator that could temporarily make us forget that Matt Ryan’s never gonna be that guy.

He wrote that yogi was only among the elite guards in college hoops for three years, not that he only played at IU for three years.

Wow, dude

Dude, give the guy a break. There are plenty of other shitbags to go after in the NFL that HAVEN’T taken accountability for their crimes.

Keith law is the one person I agree with politically that I want to “stick to sports,” because his performative wokeness is embarrassing and cannot possible be 100% genuine. And if it is, my god, what an awful party guest.

That’s a bad opinion about Butler. He’s probably the best two-way wing in the game not named LeBron and you’re complaining.

Hey that’s the joke you fucking idiot

Lol you got roasted, you fucking dipshit

What’s it like being a dipshit Stan for one of the most forgettable and shitty movies ever made? Why is this the hill you’ve chosen for your martyrdom?

Hey Greg. How fucking dumb are you