My heart is shitting my diaper

Where can we read your take on the game?

It’s cute that this got a lot of stars, but there was a time when the deadspin comments weren’t a parade of wannabe sports-yakkers offering bland, run-of-the-mill analysis that exists only as a masturbatory homage to your dedication as a fan.

Draymond green IS a superstar. It should tell you about the kind of asshole he is that he doesn’t get treated like a superstar by the officials.

Man, fuck off.

Shut the fuck up with your fake-ass, old-school, low-rent hipster nonsense. It doesn’t matter how good the defense is, it takes multiple instances of ineptitude to go 60 minutes without a single goddamn point. And let’s not pretend that either team was fielding an exceptional defense.

Do you ever wonder why most of your friends gradually stopped talking to you? Because if you crusade like this in real life, well, that’s the answer.

I hope they’re paying you well for all the hard work you did to get offended by this. I know it is difficult for you to believe in your little estrogen bubble, but sometimes, a man’s interest in a woman isn’t predatory. Hell, sometimes the woman even reciprocates that interest! Wild, I know.

How about you fuck off and let people fan however they want.

Did you even read the article? It’s not about on-court production. At all. LeBron will never revolutionize anything the way that Jordan revolutionized the individual brand.

“I’m not mad, it’s actually kind of funny”

Oh man, you really don’t get this. It isn’t about hurting them now (it does, whether they let you see it or not). It’s about wearing it out to the point that they tell you it’s old and tired - because it never will be. We had to spend all year hearing about how they were an unbeatable, revolutionary basketball product

Nice try. The warriors did it first; the warriors did it best.

Here’sa story for you: The warriors were the best regular season team of all time. They won 73 games! More than anyone, ever.

Thanks, kowalski

Why don’t you write the fucking article then, smartass

Non-christians, women, and lgbt people can be white.

It’s funny that you think cops should just ask people nicely, even when that person has put other lives in danger.

They didn’t use the gun, dipshit. That’s kinda the point.

It’s hard for me to believe that you’d be all cool and level-headed if some jackoff criminal idiot ruined your night by making you chase him all over downtown. He’s lucky he’s alive.

Except you’re wrong, kind of. That’s the most common usage, but when you’re double teamed, you look for an outlet. Now that we’ve talked about it, you’re going to notice that usage a lot more