Psst’, the stuff is in the spare wheel.
Psst’, the stuff is in the spare wheel.
The harder they come, the harder they fall
Actually it’s a lot cooler because you can get one in a manual
Forgiveness requires contrition.
Mel Gibson was perfect! Who better to lead “behaving badly with alcohol”?
They left the 5 rides, fuel tanks by their side,
One word, Jewish Space Lasers
I highly doubt that anything on fox can be described as “subtle.”
This can’t be right. There needs to be a Congressional investigation. Maybe add this to the list for next year. I bet the laptop was in there or something. The simplest explanation can’t be true, there has to be a conspiracy.
I think that’s what “Tesla engineers” are doing. Monitoring all of Elon’s tweets and responses, writing some themselves, and making sure the critical ones are hidden from him. It’s like his own “Truman Show.”
As someone who has never used Twitter nor has an account, but read about it CONSTANTLY in the news and everywhere for over the past decade, I’m thoroughly enjoying witnessing this overgrown man-twat drive it into irrelevance at the tune of $44 billion.
I’m surprised Musk didn’t get his own account banned for not marking it as “parody”…
My favorite line of argument on the right is that lack of moderation will result in some kind of ancient Greek agora, with “debates” where people challenge ideas. Like, I suppose, the notion that 5G signals will activate the microchips in my vaccine.
Jesus doesn’t believe in overtime.
Yeah, no. 3 day work week should mean I can work fewer hours for the same pay. People fought make the 8 hour day/40 hour week happen. We should be shortening it.
Yet another Bigot-Chicken puff piece from The Takeout (c’mon, tell us how you really feel guys). Too bad they’re too busy coming up with the very “christian” idea of making at/near minimum wage workers work 14 hour shifts on their feet that they can’t formulate a company wide non-discrimination policy that covers…
“...and Lindsey’s location is set to bring in $17 million by the end of the year”
One presumes this is designed to give their employees more time to spend in church?
The answer is no cars. So many sadz. All the sadz.
No stick shift?