I’m sure it’s great, but $54k on a 3-series that doesn’t even have a manual transmission is absurd. I guess I’d like to know who thinks that’s acceptable. Just a whole lot to pay to be bored, I guess.
I’m sure it’s great, but $54k on a 3-series that doesn’t even have a manual transmission is absurd. I guess I’d like to know who thinks that’s acceptable. Just a whole lot to pay to be bored, I guess.
Hey, man, this is Jalopnik. We love our junkyards and we don’t want these assholes hanging out there. Probably the sort to take parts off cars truck and not pay for them. Send them somewhere else, like the DMV or something.
I’m shocked I tell you, SHOCKED that this ended as a colossal clusterfuck.
Declared victory? Like the Black Knight in the Holy Grail did?
Yeah, Bush Jr. and his league of extraordinary Republicans really drove prices down and had the economy hauling to make it easy on Obama.
That's an awfully mean thing to say about birdseed
I wouldn’t expect any sedans to be around in 2025, at least not here in Murica. We either need SUVs to haul the family around in or lifted white full sized pickups for those affected with a micropeen.
you know what we need in this world? more conspicuous consumption....
instead of, you know, not burning down the whole fucking world.
Lemonade would be perfect. They should do a traditional Lemon Party.
You should ask him if he also yanks out the ABS module, because his right foot, with one pedal, can better control all four brakes independently better than the computer can.
Don’t think so, but a flat bed made into a mobile LGBTQ strip club with Ram Ranch (and every possible gay anthem) blaring would be the first thing I would do if I won the Powerball. Just so many uses for something like that these days... these morons, those Westboro Baptist Church clowns, Trump rallies, Q Anon…
Or a couple of city blocks in Detroit!
Put on some lambo doors and it would be a bargain at twice the price!
The price doesn’t put me off particularly. It’s an old Alfa Romeo, in decent shape ... save for the doors (yikes!). Rust? Well - to be expected at that age.
Yep this. The police demand to search for two reasons - to either find a reason to hit their quota with a higher fines/jail sentence (in states where jails are for profit) or to plant evidence so they can hit their quota with higher fines/jail sentence.
Someone should buy this and LS swap it for the lols.
Unless it’s a fuel shark, which will add at least 10% better MPG.
First rule of option 2 is we never talk about option 2.
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!! That would be completely different because....reasons.