Back in the day our local smokies had first crack to buy their old car (after decommissioning of course). Those were some of the best kept police cruisers you’ve ever seen.
Back in the day our local smokies had first crack to buy their old car (after decommissioning of course). Those were some of the best kept police cruisers you’ve ever seen.
Ahem, ’63 split window coupe, which revolutionized big-bore sports cars, would like a word ...
Mediocre Corvette (C4) beats bad Corvette (post ‘70 C3's).
So... you want it to be the opposite of Saab?
We’re being bombarded by a maelstrom of chemicals just about every moment of every day. The vaccine at least has been tested out the wazoo unlike about all the other stuff in the environment which has been to varying degrees ... less so.
Which begs the question. If anything was wrong, why did they fail to actually call the police.
Don’t want to get vaccinated, don’t go. Simple.
So the lots and lots of people that bought tickets already know that they changed their policy?
I was active duty military in the Army and its extremely rare to make E6 by 23 (even if you are in a combat MOS - military occupational specialty). That being said, you can become an officer by 23 (I met a lot of butter bars or 2d lieutenants who were 21 - they recently graduated from college and ROTC). What gets lost…
I wAnT tO kNoW wHaT gOeS iN mY bOdY.
The “religiously opposed” can fuck right off because superstition does not give you the right to endanger other people’s health.
Imagine doing coke in a porta potty all weekend, but not wanting to get vaccinated.
Yikes I looked at the grey. No one ungrey the antivaxxer please.
Is this George Carlin?
God, they want a civil war so bad or for their orange god to tell them to start shooting Democrats.
Burn the flag bearers too. To be safe.
A great deal of that ‘perfectly good real estate’ will be underwater sometime in the future, so let them have it.
On the plus side, we will probably be firing some anti vaxxers soon.
We have people that literally don’t know the Earth orbits the Sun, and think a Magical Man made the world 10,000 years ago. Some of these people are in the government.
A bunch of them apparently think an injection will change your DNA so...