That’s what the truck nuts are for, isn’t it? Totally “not gay”.
In the CL ad: “Do you prefer to buy from a faith based business?”
Not all mobility impaired people are able to drive, either through choice or through the mechanism of their disability. They still need-and want to get out and about though. It might be niche, but it is priced competitively for that niche.
Thoughts and prayers might be in order but no more.
This might be the Batshitmobile.
ND. $10k now and 145k on the clock? What’s gonna break in the next 50k at which point it will be at 200k and depreciated down to nothing?
“...a place to poop that isn’t shared by bears.”
I reflexively hit ND because I hate keyword spam with the burning ury of a thousand sun’s. When I search Craigslist for “flatbed” I don’t want to see ads for a Nissan 350Z and a Cadillac CTS.
Hey, Mon! No Mon-dial for Never cared for them when new...still don’t to this day. $35K buys a lot of weed...LOL
Easy - he needs something that he can write “TRY PAINTING, IT’S GREAT” down the side in big block letters. A van is the squarest of vehicles, and therefore the best-suited to life as a rolling billboard.
Decades ago, for our first anniversary my wife and I went to Manzanillo, Mexico. A major hurricane had hit the day before we arrived. Among the destruction, it had flooded the entire Avis rental car lot above the hoods. Avis took pity on us and rented us the only running vehicle they had, their lot buggy that they…
the current owner’s advocation as a painter.
It’s boring, but it’s almost interesting among today’s sea of Rav4s. Four seat convertibles are an endangered species these days.
Example number 74,573,476 why leather seats suck. Imagine how nice it would look without those cracking seats. If you don’t like cloth (which is great as it doesn’t feel as hot/cold/sticky) there are better alternatives to leather. The MB-Tex bolsters in my Mercedes looked perfect after 10 years while he leather…
So that’s why he’s called Winnie the Pooh.
Rip out the underglow, take off the wrap and polish the car. Don’t worry about the cold air intake because... really who cares. Put the original wheels back on it (and demand the aftermarkets as part of the deal). After you do all that...
Yeah, she can. White woman tears can wash away anything that makes sense.
It would have to be a manual to get the Holy Grail title.