Sad Pipe

“One chicken sandwich, with the profits going to pro-LGBT causes, please.”

The people who would ND my used eggs don’t have any concept of the current used egg market or the value for preowned hen-fruit.

It may be less a matter of not having “any concept of the current used car market” than it is of thinking the current used car market is insane.  This would be a NP at $4k, but right now it’s CP all the way.

I never saw the story about the conveyor system, but it doesn’t surprise me. Back when every McDonald’s didn’t have a drive thru (or this one was built without for some reason), one of them near me added one, but the windows wouldn’t work in the layout of the kitchen or the location of the building relative to the

Yeah, Dave Grohl knew Cobain for years and played in a band with him, and this guy read about him in tabloids, but sure, random guy would have a better idea of how Cobain would react than Dave Grohl.

We can’t even get ours to wear masks. :op

I was defrauded by Budget once.

Those of us with kids under the age of 12 are at the mercy of those stupid randos, unfortunately. 

Here’s an “odd” request:

This is the kind of innovative thinking that keeps me coming back to the Jalopnik comments section.

You can take a shit in anything if you don’t care enough

On the couch per usual if dogs are involved.

Good kid, hell yeah.

Intentionally driving your car at a police officer gives them the legal authority to shoot you dead, and rightly so. It’s Assault With A Deadly Weapon, officially. But to *some* politicians right here in ‘murica, such an event doesn’t even rate as a crime when the target changes from one kind of human being to another

Hmm sounds like Subways runs on the Ayn Rand model.

They aren’t? I’ve always heard of severe weather situations as being very much “acts of god.

Support small businesses.

Is Subway Corporate run by GameStop or something? This is bullshit lol

Yes it does, so I can move in next door and help wrench on his cool projects.

I feel like your neighbors must love you or hate you. Either way Zillow needs to include a “Does David Tracy live in this neighborhood” feature.