Sad Pipe

My apologies for my surliness. I feel passionately about the LGBT community to be able to live the same way as the cishet community. There’s enough suffering in the world that’s accidental.

Fortunately, this car wasn’t a rental.

Why aren’t you bigoted? Because you think that LGBT issues are as 1 dimensional as 2 dudes making out in your face? What isn’t wrong with that?

While we’re giving feel-good good press for this organization, let’s remember that the same organization supports foreign regimes that literally executes their citizens merely for homosexual activity.  So fuck them.

About -5

I agree that these stores are above all a sad, horrible story of someone who loses their life & the loved ones that are left to cope with the senseless tragedy. Any viewing must be done with a somber reverence for the victims i.e the direct victim, their loved ones, the law enforcement that have seen & will see much

Interior by Hot Topic

It’s not my car!

This looks ridiculous lowered like that! Even with that rectified it’s still a CP price.

Damn nanny state Dumocrats! What are they going to do next, outlaw rape?

Geez, so sorry to hear that. May your friend rest in peace, & may justice prevail.  Not that McKay seems to care about that.

The report on the Weekend Update of the last SNL was pretty applicable, & I paraphrase:

To me it’s more of an ass face but I can see the whores horse.

The criminal reported his Merc missing, but not because he wanted to specifically cheat insurance. My Spidey Senses say that it was involved in some murder. The criminal buried the car to hide evidence, tho why it was buried on the criminal’s property makes me scratch my head. However, it was discovered after his

OK, but a droptop?

Maybe the car was some kind of practice for the yacht.

I believe that it’s called the Pontiac Aztek.

bus-buses: the vehicle

Oh, no no no, not at a C4 price.  I like the color combination & it looks in pretty good shape.  Also, front end collision ratings are apparently very good for a FC vehicle.  But Jimmy McMillan is rolling in his dojo from this ad.

I am very curious what that thing tacked on to the dash is though.