Thank you, Russian Bot.
Thank you, Russian Bot.
You’ve wrapped too much dumb into one comment. So I’m just going to tell you to go fuck yourself ten ways to hell and post this pic of a disapproving Corgi.
Thanks for the inbred, MRA, incel perspective.
die in a fire
Personally, I am still often confused by my genitals.
Who un-greyed this asshole?
Thank you for being our allies in WWII and our enemy for a 40 year cold war.
Thank your country for being our ally against the Germans in WW2.
Spasibo, tovarishchu.
Is this an idiot (like tomato face or whatever) or performance art (like everyone shut up I’m commenting)? I honestly can’t tell.
I’d bet you there was a t-shirt like that in the same section as these guys. And they looked at each other’s shirts nodding in agreement.
why on earth take that out of the grays?
This must be Q
That was the Soviet Union dumbshit. That country ceased to exist almost 30 years ago.
I Guar-ahnn-tee these assholes have glared at more than one person in their life with their piss tinged sclera and sneered, “America! LOVE it or LEAVE it!”
Better dead than Red but better Red than Lib, so die already?
Ohio is full of fucking idiots like that.
“In many ways we did win the (2016) election”—Bernie Sanders
Holy shit! So that’s why Twitter was all bonkaroo about it. I’m also glad I don’t have to decide on this. In Wisconsin we’ve got our own issue with choosing a Dem to try to finally get rid of Scott Walker. On the Dem side there’s a white dude who polls ahead of Walker (at least this week), and there’s an Emily’s-list…
Michigan voter here. I’m very very lefty. But the problem with his candidacy is that he’s not really running on anything other than “I’m super progressive and Bernie likes me. Therefore, you are obligated to vote for me and aren’t a true progressive if you don’t.”