
This is pretty typical for work-for-hire projects, especially with licensed games. Independent studios need to take whatever projects they can get just to stay afloat. They’re competing with other studios, so they have the best chances of winning the contract by overpromising with their proposed scope, budget and

You don’t know anything about game development or working in general. Incredibly delusional post. Go experience some reality.

As an old contractor once told me “We got three kinds of work: good, cheap and fast. Pick two.”

It’s a shit way to abuse developers, customers, and business partners, but I completely understand the perverse pride that comes from working through sucky conditions. It’s an ugly baby, but it’s theirs.

Shovel Warehouse taken? :P 

The problem is that the overlap between all three isn’t impossible, it’s just highly, highly, improbable. That’s what makes shitty managers the world over pull a Lloyd Christmas, “so you’re telling me there’s a chance! Yeah!”

‘GameMill’, how appropriate.

In fact, last year the bakery made a Star Wars sculpture of Han Solo frozen in carbonite called “Pan Solo,” which took home second-place at the 2022 event.

The not-so-undead in the franchise are actually the result of a contagious spore that infects the living like a fungal infection does in the real world. Basically clickers are people with a violent reaction to mold, what you’re looking at could loosely be described as mushroom-people. So long as they don’t die, the

As a Dad with Dad Power approaching 9000, I’ma say that the “Last of Crust” pun alone made the whole exercise worthwhile.

What do you think “off topic” means?

No, it’s because it looks like shit.

How are your NFTs doing?

Not going to lie, I came into the post thinking “it’s not that bad”, because the thumbnail looked like an actual improvement was made from the original. Having seen some of the rest... ouch... that’s pretty bad.

Wait. Wait.

Or she walked into Best Buy and thought, “that one is more expensive than all these other ones” must be better.
Alternatively she thought, “oooh, look at all the pretty lights!”

Maybe, but it’s just as likely IMO that she cluelessly walked into Best Buy (or sent a similarly clueless minion) and let them pick one.

So don’t make stupidly expensive AAA games, then. Stop facescanning Keanu Reeves and Idris Elba and contracting 13 different studios.

Yeah, game distribution costs have shrunk to next to nothing, and digital game sales scale arbitrarily high for effectively no extra cost. Selling 10 copies or 10,000 copies is (roughly) the same cost of revenue. And games as a market are much larger now than they’ve ever been previously. So some of those increased