Yup, there are always clear trends in popular gaming subject matter and this is just another one. I’m curious about what’ll come next.
Yup, there are always clear trends in popular gaming subject matter and this is just another one. I’m curious about what’ll come next.
Definitely both. It takes place around the Viking invasions of the Picts where they slaughtered many Celtic people and took over their lands. The game has many references to both Viking and Celtic folklore, and throughout the game Druth tells her stories of Norsemen.
Thought the same thing, the Codec filter is sick! It’d be great if it applied a hand-drawn filter and just animated the mouth opening and closing whenever you spoke haha.
Agreed, if anything they all stand out. Adam with those suspenders does kinda look like a waiter from the waist up and with his pompadour ‘do, but then he’s still wearing his shin and knee guards on the lower half which is an odd “business on the top, post-apocalyptic turf war on the bottom” sort of combo haha.
Literally the first thing I thought when I saw the punchline haha.
Oh wow, I didn’t even think of the Green Ribbon reference, but that makes a ton of sense, and it’s the kind of random, obscure reference I live for haha.
Anybody else read that last part of the headline in Timmy’s Dad’s voice?
This headline sounds like a euphemism for Z fighting in 3D models haha
Clodagh will be next, I can feel it
Could definitely see that being the case, but for me the first thing I thought of was the Street Fighter II V logo
So he’d basically be the anti-Akuma who’s fully mastered Mu/nothingness? That’d be sick!
This 100%. I like that the gap between II and III has been bridged over the past decade plus so we know what everyone was up, but I definitely want some progression and focus away from the classics at this point.
Looks like a discount Steve Fox, and he definitely has the regrettable tattoo choices of an MMA fighter haha.
Would’ve been able to harness it if he was wearing one of these babies
You’re right, the money is much more deserved and needed by the giant corporation making billions of dollars to make the very same shitty movies. Either way, how much money she does or doesn’t have is completely beside the point here.
From what I understand, they didn’t even say no; they straight up ghosted her reps.
I blame gravity.
As a damn-near lifelong Street Fighter fanatic, I’m both excited to watch this and utterly disgusted at myself for having no idea it existed haha.
100% agreed, and well said
Haha that’s hilarious! My brother-in-law and a couple friends are from Chicago, and they all give off the vibe that if you rep Chicago you better actually be from Chicago proper. One of those friends I used to work with, and we had someone new come in who told me she was from Chicago. I mentioned it to that friend and…