
I’ve actually thought about that Darkstalkers theory before haha. Originally Lilith was designed to be Morrigan’s sister, and I wondered if maybe there were supposed to be two other sisters to complete the card suit symbols on their outfits. Interestingly enough, I think Jedah was also originally supposed to be

In other news, Sonic Smut is the name of my new band 

Yeah, talk about something that wasn’t in need of a gritty reboot

I didn’t say anything about playing; I said I’m not taking advantage of them being free. I haven’t played Cities: Skylines but I did add it to my library, just like I have many other PS Plus games that I have yet to touch (the backlog struggle is real). My point is that this month I probably won’t even bother doing

Wow, this might literally be the first time I’m not taking advantage of any of the PS Plus offerings. I already have A Plague Tale (and if you don’t, definitely grab that) and Virtua Fighter 5 (from last month), and don’t really have any desire to play Battlegrounds or Black Ops 4 when it doesn’t have a real campaign.

I came into this with a big ol’ PSSHHH at crying over this...

Right you are, keep Team Ninja far away from everything but gameplay, Other M is unforgivable haha. But it appears Square Enix might be to blame for the bad stuff, which kinda circles back to your original comment.

Honestly I’m not surprised at all, though I’m optimistic about FFXVI, whenever that happens. But Stranger of Paradise looks like it could at least be pretty fun, especially with Team Ninja on the combat. Everything else about it just looks ass, but at least it’s to a hilarious degree haha.

Pretty solid lineup this week! Other than not understanding the Risk of Rain one (never played it), they all hit to some extent for me. My only complaint is that it needs more CHAOS!

I can definitely inhale some melon pan

I didn’t know what to make of this article when I clicked on it, but it pretty much perfectly describes my impressions of the game! Initially looking at it I thought it might be the most gorgeous fighter I’ve ever seen (well, that thought hasn’t really changed haha), but as I watched gameplay there were extra


We kept it a secret from you all these years because wanted you to be surprised and have a genuine reaction. You should be thanking us for it.

I guess I mainly valued him for drawing attention away from me, because otherwise I never really needed help just killing stuff since it’s one of select games where my “never sit still and be very aggressive” style of playing 3rd person action games really paid off big time haha. Plus I always made sure my ability

Awkward Zombie was a good one, but I have to say that the backup dude is so a goddamn G haha. He draws enemy attacks during intense battles, actually stays on the move and doesn’t just stand there in the midst of it all, and I dunno if he can die because in all the times I called for backup he never once did. I may be

Underrated comment 

Haha “we.” You’re alone in this. Literally no one has agreed with you. And my delusions and dissertations were backed with actual external content from many legitimate sources that back me up, which I provided in case you still haven’t checked them out...all you had was an old strategy guide. You literally offered

Thing about Arsenal, they always try to walk it in.

Wow, you’re still not over this? And that’s some bottom-shelf verbal gymnastics you’re using there to twist things when I’ve provided plenty of resources that back up my argument and show that I do in fact have some idea of what I’m talking about. I would say “how cute” as well, but it’s not cute at all, just sad and

I’ve never had a collector mentality so that kind of stuff totally baffles me. If I buy something I can use and don’t open it for the purpose of “collecting,” it’s because I bought a second one that I actually use.