Not being “hip” to WTF she’s talking about, the Urban Dictionary save the day:
Not being “hip” to WTF she’s talking about, the Urban Dictionary save the day:
I think you’re just the wrong demographic. $600/mth to include insurance is incredibly cheap for a car that retails at ~$35kish. Everyone I know, even older “I buy my truck and drive it 200000 miles” guys, are interested in this program.
Hi Lil Tay,
“I don’t want to get into Fortnite, it looks too addicting for me, so I better not try it,” he said.
ah well, that’s ok. What is the argument about
Good to know what Danny Almonte is up to these days.
*furiously taking notes*
OMFG. there is no excuse for this. Any group/distribution list that has the whole company should be locked down and restricted. That way when the occasional idot does a “reply all” to whole company, it only winds up in my inbox where I reject it and snuff out the storm before it takes hold.
Those women look exactly like Kardashians. Maybe he was confused.
They’re actually looking through his crotch, at his wallet in his back pocket. Like Superman, except hoes. I believe the prophet Soulja Boy wrote of this
I usually enjoy your comments but I don’t know about this. Plenty of people drink responsibly and have a lot of fun. A rapist is a different animal. I would be willing to bet that these fellows had nothing to drink and preyed upon a drunk girl who was just having fun.
I’m not sure if this is a hot take or what, but I don’t give a shit about my health or whatever. Fuck exercise, fuck eating right, fuck brain shit (although I do read a lot, but not to keep the old thinking mass agile). Both my grandmothers are still living in their late 90s and their life sucks shit. One is in the…
Jeter contests that they’re definitely Virgin Islands, since he’s never given them a gift basket.
When Michael J Fox would sometimes miss his mouth with his fork, he was considered to be another Marty with an erratic strike zone and quick temper...
“The notion that the home plate umpire would lose “all respect from players” for looking the other way when a player drops his bat with a little force is absurd”
It’s kinda weird to need multiple substitutions to make a dish acceptable to you. How picky can you possibly be that you need more than one thing to be changed about a dish to make it acceptable to you? Maybe Golden Corral is more your style?
Except Pham had the stats to prove it. This isn’t some weak hitting schlub claiming he could man the outfield for the White Sox in 1994...
So wait, you mean to tell me... One day Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder and Jimmy Haslam will all be dead?!
Kevin Garnett hasn’t done shit to actually back up any reputation for being a tough guy. First Youtube result for “Kevin Garnett fight” shows him throwing the ball at people, walking very quickly away from the guys coming towards him, and not much else. He’s fake tough. If you had used legitimately crazy people like…