D. Vega

When the commute does. So, never!

Holly Holm once knocked her into next week and she certainly doesn’t want to experience that again.

That is not the take I would have expected.

The NFL is more enjoyable when 1. If you’re a Bengals fan you laugh when they suck, and 2. When you only watch from opening whistle to final gun, then pretend it doesn’t exist afterwards.

You continue to be a fan and i will continue being the man.

That’s basically it. Protecting themselves. Which helped them protect him. This news isn’t really good news, his health will ultimately suffer. But he’s a grown man, he can sacrifice himself if he wants I guess.

Geoff and Wentz look pretty good. Technically the Giants traded up to get Eli, and have won two Super Bowls, while San Diego traded down to get Rivers and a bunch of other stuff and have no Super Bowls.

Chest pains, lack of sleep, “troubling symptoms”. That sounds like good old fashion crippling depression to me. A likely side effect of being literally stepped over and stepped on by superstars your entire life. Prescribed treatment is getting the fuck out of Cleveland.

Clearly a better corporate fit for Adidas since he spends all day dreaming about sex.

Now playing

The most goddamned infuriating thing about this video is the fucking camera work!!!!! Jesus H. Christ!!!! Landscape mode motherfucker!!!

My god, first you wake up to find out that Tom Crean is your new basketball coach, then your ski-lift tries to kill you?? Those poor bulldog fans...

I’m assuming “no one” means that whoever was on at 0:43 in the first video is some sort of cyborg or something because holy shit.

12th man hates 13th amendment.

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...

Some smart GM is going to get the steal of the draft with this kid because everyone else will be too busy tripping over the fact that he is missing a hand and he’ll still be sitting there in the 3rd round. I know my team, The Giants, will never touch him, because they are so risk adverse in the draft it’s pathetic.

This needs to be put into the Deadspin inappropriate joke hall of fame. This is classic.

Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.

Montreal is a fucking rad city. Tampa is where old white people go to die. There’s absolutely no comparison.

I think it’s the opposite, they are fully aware of having a national audience but just don’t see anything creepy about sexualizing a 17 year old Olympic athlete on air.

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