Patrick Kane Wanted to Get Back in Bar after Regaining Consciousness.
Patrick Kane Wanted to Get Back in Bar after Regaining Consciousness.
As soon as they unveiled the new uniforms, the team received requests from over 40 players to change their number to 80085.
This story has inspired me, and on Valentine's Day no less. Tonight, when I finish 30 minutes ahead of my wife, I vow to stay awake and congratulate her perseverance.
In fairness to Russia, US policymakers also covered several colossal screw-ups with a TARP.
Her drink may have been a prop, but someone sure spilled White Russian all over some poor journalist's sheets.
Contrary to popular opinion, it really does matter how you slice it. Start just below the rear 22 and work your way about a quarter of the way through for the tenderloin. In a pinch, the meat just behind the River Monsters logo is, also, quite succulent.
Every year, several aircraft are brought down by birds, bats and even ducks inadvertently flying into the engine. Fortunately, Peyton Manning was already done warming up.
Oppositely, Durant was quoted saying he wished he got to lay down half as much as LeBron does every night.
Looks like some lucky developing country is gonna be pretty psyched about this year's loser gear shipment.
Guy on floor: Come on, man, you really have to fix that ceiling. That thing has no weight support, and it's a hazard to the entire building. What will your customers think? It's a disgrace! I haven't seen a ceiling this terri...
Only the top half of Cink's head is welcome at The Masters.
I think Gurnick makes a great point about Morris. Morris took the high ground consistently throughout his career. He was a principled player, and an upstanding man.
Marion: What the hell, man? Now how am I going to get these tied?
I dunno, I guess, as a heterosexual male, I have yet to ever see one cock I want to suck, let alone two. The odds of a straight guy who stumbled upon two he just HAD to blow juxtaposed on the same person is like winning the dick lottery.
Tiny Tim needs to get the fuck over it already.
Doesn't have to be Garnett, but I would like to see someone in Eastern Conference take up competitive gaming.
An amazing display, to be sure. But it is a little depressing to note that in the last seconds of the clip you can see the beginnings of the Parkinsonian tremor that would come to plague him in later years.