Sadie Slays

Ethan Frome has the absolute worst ending I've ever read or watched in any piece of fiction. I hated it as a teenager, and it still brings out feelings of rage even as an adult. I don't feel the least bit guilty skipping over it.

My resolution this year is to reread some of the classic books that I had to read for K-12 school assignments. I'm convinced that I lacked the education and life experience at the time to fully appreciate these novels.

I also REALLY LOVED Season 1.

It's not like it's unheard of for HBO to patiently wait for content, either. The Sopranos had two-year breaks between seasons, Larry David makes Curb Your Enthusiasm whenever he feels up for it, and HBO was willing to delay the next season of Game of Thrones if George R. R. Martin met his book deadline.

I'm not entirely convinced it did all that much, beyond some positive critical notices, which only go so far.

True Detective is going to be one of those shows that people revisit in a few years through binge-watching, and then wonder why it generated an absurd level of hate when it premiered. The show has flaws, but it wasn't "Worst Show of the Year" by a long shot.

Those early episodes of Sense8 were rough (I nearly quit watching when they broke out into a Bollywood dance sequence), but the show really picks up in the latter half of the season. It has a lot of truly unique moments that are unlike anything ever seen in any other TV show or film. Overall, I'm glad I watched it,

I'd rather allow the writers to take their time to creating another stellar season than see Fargo end up in True Detective Season 2 situation. Do it right, even if it means waiting a long time.

I had to start a spreadsheet of TV recommendations this year because I couldn't keep track of everything I wanted to watch. I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one here who does this.

I recently watched Broad City for the first time and it was the hardest I've laughed all year. I don't care for Hillary, but I hope her appearance helps the show get some well-deserved Emmy recognition.

How did Idris Elba snag a nomination for Luther? I don't remember that airing in 2015…

True Detective doesn't deserve to be lumped into the "Worst Show" category in a year where Tommy Wiseau and Rob Schneider have their own TV shows.

Sorry, A.V. Club, but I do not understand your love for Mad Max: Fury Road.

It stagnated around the Fat Mac season but has since gone back up in hilarity.

They also ignored RuPaul's Drag Race every Monday for nearly an entire season even though A.V. Club has reviewed it for years.

Thank you, A.V. Club, for finally pressuring me into watching Daredevil. I have absolutely zero interest in comic book content, but after seeing the thousandth "Daredevil was better than I expected" comment on here, I finally caved and watched it. I enjoyed it. Hell, I had more fun watching it than some of this year's

I stopped reading the TV reviews entirely. The composition problems you mention are there, but what really pushed me away are the reviewers who seem to lack basic understanding of the material they are reviewing. The fact that skipping straight to the comments section for quality criticism is now an accepted trend

I wouldn't be raging this hard if the "bad pussy" episode didn't win an Emmy for writing over Mad Men, The Americans, and Better Call Saul.

Black Jesus was one of the funniest shows I watched last year. I'm disappointed that it didn't get nearly as much critical attention as it deserved.

I have no idea why this novel was foisted upon my 10th grade English class. How many 10th graders can identify with middle-aged adults trapped in a loveless marriage? Why do educators think this is age-appropriate reading material?