Sadie Slays

After the recent Hannibal cancellation, I had hoped for a moment there that GoT might pick up Mads Mikkelson to play Euron Greyjoy. Damn.

Anthony Hopkins made "Hannibal Lecter" a household name in less than 30 minutes of screen time. Few actors or actresses in the history of film are capable of pulling off that kind of achievement. He deserves more credit than he's getting here.

Add Babylon 5's Captain John Sheridan to this list. The show drastically picked up in quality during Season 2 when he replaced zero-charisma Captain Sinclair.

Demolition Man does not get as much love as it deserves. Even in 2015, I still see the occasional "Three Seashells" joke online. That's way more cultural endurance than you'd expect from a '90s Stallone action flick.

This is the first "F" I've seen since the Dexter finale.

Hannibal has very low ratings and no noteworthy award nominations. From a TV business perspective, there's nothing "proven" about it.

This cliffhanger is one of my earliest and fondest TV memories. I watched it as it premiered with my family, and we all just started screaming when the credits began to roll. It was the most insane finale we had ever seen on TV, and even now in 2015, I'd still rank it somewhere in my personal "Top 3 Most Shocking TV

Seinfeld has had some good cameos on Louie.

My main complaint with this show is that they didn't film it in multiple languages and use subtitles. The result of forcing everyone to speak English is that many of the non-native speakers come off as wooden in their performances. The entire supporting Korean cast, for example, can barely speak English, always look

There's strong scientific support that artificial good coloring contributes to behavioral problems and ADHD. The EU straight up banned most artificial food dyes for this exact reason, and Kraft already sells a "naturally colored" version of their Mac'n Cheese over there.

For anyone else who's curious about this, it's true. Amazon only sells the DVD to Prime members.

American Dad! and RAW fans get shafted once again. At least RuPaul's Drag Race finally got a "Regular Coverage" spot. One down, two more to go.

Back in the '90s before cell phones and texting were ubiquitous, I witnessed a similiar event at a Marilyn Manson concert where someone in the front row was reading a book during the concert. Well, this offended Manson to the point where he stopped the entire show and invited all of the "real fans" to come swarm the

RuPaul's Drag Race missing for the fifth week in a row.

They're following The Venture Bros. schedule.

At my one and only office job, I worked harder than everyone with my job title because I wanted to be seen as a good employee. Management noticed, and rewarded me with extra responsibilities and no pay raise for the increased workload. The final straw came when they gave me a "Satisfactory" score on my performance

Back in the '90s, one of the talking Teletubby dolls said something that sounded exactly like, "Faggot! Faggot!". It even made national headlines, which is how I heard of it.

A friendly reminder that Vice Media is partially owned by 21st Century Fox (who also owns Fox News) and A&E Networks (jointly owned by Hearst and Disney). Vice likes to present themselves as an alternative to the mainstream media, but really, they're all owned by the same corporations.

Rupert Murdoch owns a five percent stake in Vice Media, so not exactly. He still makes money whether you're watching Fox News or Vice.

This is why I've decided to stop watching the TV show. After investing this many years into the story, I want to finish it in GRRM's words. I don't want someone else's interpretation of his vision, especially not after the way critical parts of Season 4 were handled (How the hell could they leave out the whole Tysha