Sadie Slays

RuPaul's Drag Race is missing for the fourth week in a row.

I get more value for the money I spend on television now than I did when I had a cable subscription. Being able to binge-watch my favorite shows on my own schedule without commercials is worth the price alone. Not having to deal distracting logos, pop-up advertisements, and bleeped out curse words also makes for a

RuPaul's Drag Race is missing for the third week in a row even though the show has been reviewed here on A.V. Club for several seasons.

I enjoyed Fargo, Louie, and The Americans more than anything that aired on HBO last year. Throw in Archer and It's Always Sunny, and it's my favorite network by far.

I recently started watching Person of Interest due entirely to the frequent positive comments about it here. It has a very vocal and persuasive fanbase here.

The recent anthology/limited series format offers a lot of promise in this regard. It's easier to get networks and talent to sign off on a one-season, high-quality show than it is to get a multi-year deal. We may not ever get a five season show like The Wire again, but an ambitious limited series show packed with

Captain Picard. A strong, respected leader who wasn't ashamed to acknowledge his emotions or fears. No vices, no asshole politicking his way into a leadership position, no putting down others. He was Mr. Rogers in space.

I nominate Adrian Paul.

Whatever happened to Emilio Estevez? He had such a promising film career in the '80s and '90s, and then disappeared with The Mighty Ducks franchise.

What the hell happened to Matthew Fox? He was so huge in the mid-00's and then he disappeared after LOST ended. Out of all the LOST alums, I figured him and Michael Emerson had the best chances of elevating their careers past network TV. At least Michael Emerson found a great role for himself, even if it is on CBS.

Logo put the episodes on their website last season between 3 - 5 am EST Tuesday morning. We'll find out this morning if they follow the same schedule this season.

Sharon's post-show woes started when she wrote "nigger" on some fan's autograph (Google it—you can find pictures of it online somewhere). People were outraged, and Sharon doubled down by calling it part of her work as a "shock artist." Since then, the word has occasionally popped up on her Twitter and Facebook posts,

This dress changes color every time I look at it. I originally saw it as white and gold, scrolled down, and when I scrolled back up it, I saw light blue. Then I walked away from the monitor, came back a few minutes later, and it was a dark blue with a gold trim. I again stopped looking at it for a few minutes, and now

"Somewhere in Quebec" is my guess.

This was literally my introduction to porn. Went exploring around the local woods as a kid and found pages of an old porn mag strewn across the ground. Apparently this experience is more universal than I realized.

I literally forgot this channel even existed until I read this article. Whoever's in charge of marketing over there should be fired.

Thank you!

Thanks for mentioning this. I had no idea this even happened, but now I'm curious to learn more.

Please help me decide what to do, A.V. Club.

I liked the Season 6 queens, but the writing, editing, and overall production were awful. Among my complaints: