Sadie Slays

This season finale had the most abrupt ending I've seen since Homeland Season 4 ended with Carrie aimlessly driving around.

After David Bowie and Alan Rickman died in the same week, people were worried that Tim Curry would be the next 69 year-old Brit to go.

Alan Rickman is gone, too.

Jill Stein's platform is nearly identical to Bernie's, so if you "give a shit about Bernie's policies," then she's the next best option if Bernie doesn't win the Democratic nomination.

I guess you missed the following headlines:

After witnessing the George W. Bush Presidency, Hurricane Katrina, and the stolen elections of 2000 and 2004, I understand your anger and frustration. I've been there myself plenty of times. Let me share something I learned from that experience:

Voting for Hillary at this point is the equivalent of staying in an abusive relationship with the DNC. It will only encourage them to continue with the same disgusting tactics in future elections. Perhaps I'd feel differently if Hillary won a clean and fair contest, but the voter suppression across the country, the

Die Hard 2.

UnREAL was one of the best shows on TV last year, so I'm going to remain optimistic and hope that Lifetime surprises us with quality show once again.

There's something about The Ten Commandments that gets me to watch it once a year when it airs on broadcast TV.

Yes, I use spreadsheets to keep track of TV, film, and book recommendations. Recommendations are divided by genre to make it easier to quickly pick what I want to consume next. I also keep a log of everything I read and watch.


If you want a real mindfuck, then do some research into the Mandela Effect. It may explain why the movie is different from what you remember.

I've been hearing complaints about "Shrillary" for over twenty years now. The DNC is delusional if they think that deep-seated rancor is going to disappear by November 2016.

"Michael Louis Connell was a high-level Republican consultant who was subpoenaed in a case regarding alleged tampering with the 2004 U.S. Presidential election and a case involving thousands of missing emails pertaining to the political firing of U.S. Attorneys. Connell was killed when the plane he was flying crashed

Arnold Schwarzenegger just took over The Apprentice.

Every member of the Brody family on Homeland who isn't Damian Lewis.

I was a huge fan of Al Jazeera English back in the mid-00s. Along with a huge library of documentaries and news programs, David Frost had an amazing weekly news program that you could stream for free. It truly was the best and most in-depth news channel at the time.

They're probably going to go the Mad Men and Breaking Bad route and split the season over two years.

They released Orange is the New Black and Sense8 in the same week last year.