Sadie Slays

I was thrilled to see The Americans pop up on so many "Best of 2014" lists last December, and hope that it leads to higher ratings and Emmy nominations in Season 3. It deserves them.

I completely forgot that the AV Club has primers for large shows like this. Great suggestion! This makes diving into the show seem much less daunting.

Should I bite the bullet and finally watch The Good Wife?


The Knick got snubbed hard.

I completely and utterly forgot this show existed up until about two weeks ago when the Golden Globe nominations were announced. And I'm saying this as someone who has watched every year since Season One! Downton Abbey had a fantastic debut, but the writing has steadily declined since then while the quality of the

Archer and It's Always Sunny are also coming back this month :)

Archer: Vice could have worked if it had been given the same standalone mini-series treatment as Season 3's "Heart of Archness" instead of padding it out into a season-long plot. The unfunny Pam and Cheryl filler dragged the entire season down.

Black Jesus made me laugh harder than any other show this year.