
To add to the fun, memory loss (or what appears to be dementia) can be a startlingly profound side effect of UTI’s in the elderly population. So Caregivers of Alzheimer’s and/or “other related dementias” (like stroke related dementia) should be on the lookout for this as a possible cause when a loved one takes a

I needed a quick foam roller, so I grabbed a pool noodle (that has a hole in the middle that runs all the way through the noodle) and then bought a dowel rod that was just a smidge larger at the local home improvement store.

Painters tape. Lay down a couple of layers, peel off carefully. Should do the trick.

Another vote for here. It works on all of my devices, right out of the box.

Ok, this is going to sound really weird, but...

Ok, this is going to sound really weird, but...

When my mother was diagnosed with a particularly nasty (and swift moving) form of stroke-related dementia, we (her doctors, and her familial caregivers) made the decision jointly to not tell her.

Be sure to follow your favorite and local museums (and other attractions) on social media. Two of our fave museums each have free “family” days every month when there is no admission price!

If your couch cushions happen to be “fixed” to the sofa, they may have a zipper along the bottom side.

Let’s make this a bit easier for everyone:

Yes, with the “flat roll/flat pack” method, the first two sections will stick to one another unless...

We have cats. We love them, but not what they did to our furniture.

I was taught the same re: zippers, but was also taught that we button our buttons on clothing prior to laundering to help prevent the buttons from breaking, and help the clothes retain their shape!

@catastrophegirl: The hubs buys his cpap supplies mostly on Buy a couple of extra tanks, and rotate thru. He is meticulous about cleaning his machine daily, probably because his dr makes all new cpap patients sit thru training.

We moved - a LOT - when I was a kid. Early on, I learned that the only thing you pack in drawers are pillows... They are lightweight, take up a lot of space (if you don’t want them to be compressed/crushed), and so are perfect “drawer fillers”.

This is one of those type of articles I keep bookmarked to send to friends and family members when I get the “help my computer ...” calls.

My grandmother, and my mother, both taught me that the the last thing you do every evening when you “close the kitchen” is to put the dirty kitchen linens into the laundry.

Our favorite (regional) grocery chain has “online ordering” for a $5 surcharge; you sign in, add everything to your basket, checkout out, and then pick up your groceries the next day. You can keep a list of most commonly purchased items, so you don’t have to search for everything, every time, and you can also see the

A good, used Bernina equipped with a denim needle will be your friend for that project. :)

iTunes Allowance. It's my monthly entertainment budget item. Simple to set up, and I love the fact that I can budget my spending this way.

If/when they find the jerk that did this, let his sentence be standing in the local landfill, sorting out the recyclables. He can repay the city for the cost of the swatting, and at minimum wage per hour. It won't take long in the Texas heat before he realizes the error of his ways...