CNN Lite lists 69 headlines (nice)[...]
CNN Lite lists 69 headlines (nice)[...]
His loss was Tulsa’s loss. He was my weather guy growing up.
Jim Giles was my uncle! But I also like Travis Meyer.
Not even joking, I miss Oklahoma thunderstorms. Moved to the Pacific Northwest, and all I get now is drizzle. There’s something existentially satisfying about a good thunderstorm. I don’t know what it is. I was in a store in Portland once and there was a thunderclap (a thunderclap, as in one, which is about right for…
Yeah, I used to bring a travel router with me, but so few hotels have working ethernet these days, it’s almost not worth it.
Give in and buy a microfiber couch. You’ll thank me later.
... but you’d have to use your fake tree for about twenty Christmases before it became a better environmental bet than a real tree. That’s bad news for most fake tree fiends, as the average lifespan for an artificial tree is more like six years, and especially for folks who go trendy with their fake trees—you…
My advice: the grass is rarely greener. While Apple devices are my primary ones, I use Android/Windows (Surface) daily, and they all have their problems.
CPAP machine. Tap water will make it filthy in weeks, just like a typical humidifier.
My family does dirty santa (or yankee swap, or white elephant whatever you call it.) And I absolutely loath participating. When my dad remarried, our family inherited his new wifes very large very loud family. Inevitably someone will bring a gift they think is cool or fun, and someone else will open it then spend the…
Wen you signup to HaveIBeenPwned, don’t forget to make a small donation to the cost of providing the service. I really appreciate the service he provides, so I think it’s only fair to show that appreciation.
BTW I am in no way associated or related to HaveIBeenPwned apart from using the service.
I like a wide variety of beers, but if you open up my fridge you’ll mostly find those cold activated cans of Coors…
What I like to call the “Charlotte Death March” end of Concourse E to end of Concourse B. And why is there no Admiral’s Club in E! Or in Philly, end of C to end of A. Pretty sure A is actually in Delaware somewhere.
It depends on where I’m going, but because I originate from a very small airport, my connecting flights are almost always at the ass end of the furthest terminal, and I often have to get to the ass end of an entirely different terminal. I usually make it with twenty minutes to spare when I have 45-60m, but I’ve had a…
“Gotten off the plane on the runway”. No you haven’t.
There is another caveat on this whole connecting flight deal.
It is all depends on the airport.
DFW? You are probably going to have to change terminals, which might take 15 minutes. Plus they frequently take 10 minutes to taxi from the far runway to the inner gates. Also, you are probably flying American who rarely…
With a few exceptions, I try to shoot for 1.5 to 2 hours. You have time to stretch out, take care of business, grab an actual hot meal, and there’s a bit of a buffer built in for delays or switching terminals etc. If I have 45 min to kill at the gate, that’s plenty time to charge batteries and read, grab a drink, or…
This is how you survive the airport: Arrive early. Arrive early? Sounds simple. It is—let me show you. Arrive so…
@drongch: Spoken like someone who has never, ever served in a customer service position. Yes, it is their job to be helpful and courteous, and if they are good at their job, they deserve recognition. Just like anyone who is particularly good at their job. Just about the only way for management to be aware of whether…