
Don’t forget the velcro tear-away butthole portal.

I’m at a floss for words.


At least now when I yell out “Kobe!” when shooting anything into a garbage can it will be realistic.

Was he followed by 12 co-workers?

The Aristocrats?

is she playing the Redskin flute?

Rickety Cricket has put on some weight.

If violent soccer hooligans met violent hockey fans who in turn met 49er fans, who would win?

Just for the record, a Michelin rated restaurant needs to continue the same exact menu at near perfect regularity. Generally restaurants lose the rating or a star if they vary from the exact menu that got them the rating in the first place.

Most photographed person in the world is my neighbor. You’ll be mine one day, you little minx you...

Except that Frank Caliendo’s technical gifts are literally skills that no one else can do. So a better analogy is that he’s like Andy Reid and his clock management skills. So basically a less funny Andy Reid.

Frank Caliendo has technical gifts (like a chef with great knife skills), but he lacks anything resembling the creativity that it requires to earn a Michelin star.

This is really unfair to Coleman, especially since he hasn’t heard the victim’s side of the story.

That’s fucked up. Anyway, you guys wanna see my autographed photo of LL Cool J?

Look out, Burneko — Jim Tomsula is gonna take over Foodspin.

(My god Sin Nombre was phenomenal. If this is even a fraction as good, it's gonna be one of the top films of the year)

Don’t worry about the dog and cat living thing, I know a guy