
But - the world that I see out here in suburbia, where The Coloreds leave on a bus after their housekeeper/gardener/home health aide shifts are over - that *is* the world as it truly is! Right? RIGHT?? ::cries::

Re the smoke break: That's exactly how I look at popping on to social media during the day. I got through this round of whatever, I'm going to go check a favorite site, bust out a comment or two, then back to the grind.

I am fairly certain Nick Jonas has put his penis lots of places that I not only have no knowledge of, but would not wish to, either.

Now, if I still fit into my painted&patched denim bellbottoms, I would rock those suckers on the regs. And I've been known to bust out the silver-glitter-on-black blazer for special occasions (glitterpunk 4eva!); but all that burnt orange and turquoise nonsense? Just no.

Which means if the girls are covered, the rest of you is swimming in a puptent of cloth, right? Most of me would fit into size 12-14 these days, but THAT part of me is more like 20-22. :-/

Agreed. Its cute and flattering, and if I felt a need for a maxi dress in my wardrobe, I'd definitely try it on. Most of the rest of it, however, is suffering from the general fashion hangover that thinks if someone wore it in the 70s, it MUST be cool - well, let me tell ya, that stuff was butt ugly back then too. I

Stop feeling required to read the whole of everyone's timelines

I know, I teared up too. And I am past having hormonal excuses.

Or - and I know this is crazy talk - don't carry clothing that reveals those pesky naughty bits.

Lord, honey. All I could see was the size of that basket.

Ah, thanks. Sadly, I'm quite familiar with the tactic but didn't know there was an official term for it.

Don't forget albeit!

Oh. There are actually eggplants in that pic. Oh.

How wonderful to be able to afford the view that money is not important. It sure as shit becomes important when you don't have any.

That woman's mouth is terrifying. I'm afraid to click through because it might explode out of the screen and swallow me.

"Good heavens Miss Sakamoto - you're beautiful!"

Hey, typing one-handed with a closeup of the offensive bits of Ms McKinney open in another window takes time.

Sad isn't the word that comes to my mind. Terrifying, more like.

Yes please. I often find this is my response to that word.

Because basic primate instinct equates Other Male with Rival Who Might Inseminate. My last marriage (let's not even talk about it k) was theoretically 'open', in the sense that he could date whoever he liked and I could date all the women I want. One of several problems with that is though I may be 'the butch one' (as