
Back when America was still a democratic republic that didn't matter. But these people are hell-bent, if you will, on turning the country into a theocracy so that when their guy-in-the-sky unleashes armageddon - any day now, amiright?? - they'll be safe and sound in their suburban enclaves watching us poor heathens

Because this has nothing to do with truth. It's propaganda, plain and simple. First statement: she was a Muslim. Last statement: she was a Muslim. That don't know bit, that's plausible deniability if/when he gets called on it. But his target audience, frightened white people with low critical thinking skills, will get

Agreed - except when you're trying to communicate with one of those omg its easier just to work it all out in a phonecall weirdos. No. If it was, I would have called. Shut up and text me back.

Tom Hanks *is* super chill. He once came to our small-but-cutting-edge theater for what was supposed to be an hour Q&A and stayed all evening telling tales and chatting.

I was a little disappointed that I don't own any of the patterns shown - I particularly want the Let's play puppets dress!

I don't watch TV, but by all means, continue to post pics. Mama's taking style pointers over here - I rock the furs in winter. (preferably fake, tho there is the black rabbit one I got from my late MiL)

Was really their kind of witch. Its actually probably a good thing we can't pull off such stunts..

This. This right here is what *I* expected Choreplay to be all about. Naked cabana boys and wine.

Wouldn't telepathy fall under the powers.. oh geez, not looking up chapter and verse here, but the parts about not consorting with witches or communing with the dead, that sort of thing - ? What I'm trying to say is, no Christian (#notall) counts telepathy as being from their team, but if it happens, its clearly

Only if you belong to the "correct" religion.

As an atheist(ically inclined pagan), I don't strictly believe in demons. But I'm willing to make an exception, because clearly this pustule on the rump of Arkansas houses an unclean spirit shat directly from Satan's own encrusted bunghole into their House of Representatives.

Absolutely. Don't tuck in some pro-wingnut special little piece of fuckery; stand up for that shit right out where we can see, and judge, and decide whether you're worthy of holding any office ever again.

Providing medical care does not equal practicing religion. If your belief in some antiquarian sky-god gets in the way of providing necessary services, you need to get out of the business and leave it to 21st century humans who hold no such qualms. Does that mean giving up those juicy federal funds? OH WELL.

Because whiteness is seen as the norm. When blacks do something, it is seen as deviating from that norm; not because the crime itself is somehow worse (tho racists would claim so) but because black = Other.

Fun fact: those are real skeletons.

Apparently you missed the *entire thread* of women expressing their dislike of giant peen up there..

Still languishing in the greys here (despite my avatar!) Of course, since committing to a 'real' account, I've hardly wanted to comment on anything, go figure. also I love your name.

As long as your blood pressure isn't in danger of spiking, I would say YES. It's a fairly quick read, and it connects the dots in ways that blew my mind at age 19. My copy is in deep storage, but I expect it would still do the same now. It certainly had a huge effect on shaping my political outlook.

No, people shouldn't get an education. Because that lead to *thinking*, which the whackjobs on the right want you to avoid at any cost (because fiscal conservancy). What they should get is job training - just enough to push the brooms and flick the switches, and if they're very very good (read: pale skinned and male)

As usual, Moss expresses my feelings perfectly.