
Meet the Mets, Meet the Mets ... 

And if you hover over the links in the post, they all have ‘ref=splinteramzn’ in them, so they’re likely going to get commissions off this anti-amazon post as well, should anyone choose to buy riot gear or a demo hammer, sawhorses and a tent.

Murph’s classic “and the Mets win the damn thing by a score of 10-9" will always standout.

4. Mike Piazza’s 9/21 home run at Shea. That shit still makes me weak.

Oh I wouldn’t worry, Barry’s very good.

I don’t know if I’m impressed or upset with myself that I remembered that, too.

Ha ha ha HA HA ha ha ha we’ll all be dead and Trump’s head in a jar will be on his 12th term when that happens.

Now playing

Just play some Dylan and man, we’ve come full circle.

Tracy Jordan: “Jack if you ‘desecrate’ something, is that bad?”

Plus ever try to piss standing up post-coital? I’m more likely to soak the dog in the living room than the toilet in front of me.

More importantly, when approaching the urinal do you:

I have often found that trying to run the mix of coffee grounds and water thru a paper filter often clogs the filter with fines and causes the drip to slow to a crawl. For whatever reason it’s never worked right for me.

I have often found that trying to run the mix of coffee grounds and water thru a paper filter often clogs the filter

Now playing

I still cannot hear this man’s name without thinking:

...Baby shower?

Millennial checklist! Let’s see:

I made real ramen once from an ivan orkin recipe .... it was delicious and impressed my friends fully, but it took a full week and three grocery store trips, including to the specialty asian market, and now i have dried sardines and konbu in my frige with no real use.

As a dog-haver, our puggle would quickly turn any so-called decorative pillows into a nest, so in our house they would be completely pointless. dog don’t know the diff.

We had at my old office a bathroom with a separate room that had a shower and a toilet, with a real, lockable door. We called it the cabana. It was glorious.

My 2012 500 spt has red calipers and did from the factory yes.