Everything criticism about this movie makes me more excited. A pretentious, overly serious horror movie that doesn’t care about scaring you and is nothing like the original? Count me the fuck in.
Everything criticism about this movie makes me more excited. A pretentious, overly serious horror movie that doesn’t care about scaring you and is nothing like the original? Count me the fuck in.
This is correct.
Rinko Kikuchi deserved a guest actress nomination for Westworld.
The new Deafheaven is out in a couple days, I personally can’t wait for that one.
I’m afraid that in a season or two there is going to be a “will June choose Luke or Nick?” plot.
The kangaroo body in the film that you see was most likely killed by hunters prior and brought in already dead, then likely would later give the body to butchers to be utilized properly—a fair amount of productions do this. I can’t find any evidence that they were killed specifically for the production, or that they…
Leonardo DiCaprio has always been a plain actor in my eyes, bringing reliable performances but never anything spectacular. The idea that it was an injustice for him to never have gotten an Oscar until recently is beyond me.
From what I’ve seen people are mostly concerned with what his portrayal of Polanski will be like.
The combat gets much more involved, it’s only that how involved it gets is completely up to the player. You can do the same two moves throughout the entire game, or you can do up to twenty moves and variations, and many more depending on talismans and runes. As soon as the combat gets boring there’s always an upgrade…
There are games like that — they are mostly indie games.
Mulholland Drive: because it was the first ever non-mainstream entertainment I ever consumed, and man did it open my entire world to the possibilities of art
The Cure’s Disintegration
Pussy Riot destroys any feminist credentials they claim to have as long as they have a member that is married to the leader of a far-right activist movement.
The episode hit every emotional moment perfectly. I’m so happy that they aren’t taking the easy way out with Ray and Taylor, that they aren’t forcing them to make up, and that they aren’t belittling Taylor’s anger, either. I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle JJ’s friend if he is constantly quoting films in every…
My most anticipated book for this month is “Awayland” by Ramona Ausubel
I’m channeling my inner 94% white, 76% male, with an average age of 63 voting committee.
I love the idea of a feminist-leaning award ceremony giving an award to Gary Oldman.
The film is a celebration of being an “other”, that an “other” can only be truly understood by another “other”.
(Cut to: three months later)