
True, why spend all that money bringing up the next generation of workers when you can just outsource that childrearing shit to India and get them to immigrate later?

I've been saying this for YEARS. Thanks for running this piece.

Are you white? Sounds pretty privileged to me.

You're misreading my comment. What I am saying is that there is no way in hell you as a man would stay in a relationship for 44 years with a woman who never once made you cum. In 44 years, you never finish and just tell everyone, "Oh, it's ok, I don't NEED to orgasm. I still love sex with her!" Of course you would

I like that you assume I'm bitter because I'm pointing out that no man would stay in a relationship for 44 years without an orgasm. If you never achieved an orgasm with your girlfriend, if she never helped you get there through a blowjob or whatever after the penetration was over, would you stay with her?

Sure, but that's because there is an actual issue with performance. Most of these women can achieve an orgasm. Their partners don't get them there and instead of leaving (as any man capable of orgasm who isn't dealing with erectile disfunction would do) they say, "Oh, it's ok. I don't NEED to have an orgasm. Then they

Add to that the fact that it is a *common* story for women and try not to cry. "Orgasms are for men" is not a new thought.

I've been waiting to hear that myself—I NEVER read/hear/see articles, etc., about men who were married 50 years and had terrible sex lives. A man that doesn't have an orgasm?! Somebody call the law! Hell, all I hear about is low T this, low T that, go to specialist A, and if that doesn't work, try specialist B

Despite having been in a 10-year-long relationship, I've only ever had an orgasm ONCE in a man's presence (not the aforementioned long term boyf). We were both under the influence of LSD and it remains the most amazing, pleasurable sexual experience I've ever had. We were only fwb but I would have married that man if


Yeah, I'd love to see an article where a man stays in a relationship for 44 years and never has an orgasm durning sex. I'll start holding my breath now.

For real. Facebook was all, "here's your year in review. Remember that time your cat died?"

Pretty sure it's "stop pretending that it's OK for coupled sexual pleasure to be so uneven and that it's not a problem for so many" since this article is primarily about ladies who aren't getting off and are (at least claiming to be) ok with that.

Do the people who come up with these things really live in that kind of bubble? Completely insulated from sadness and tragedy? It's amazing that nobody in the design process thought of this possibility.

I....I don't understand what you want people to stop doing. Stop talking about the problem?

Part of enjoying sex is unlearning years of shame you are taught to feel about your body and your genitals. I had read this piece one by a bisexual man who said when asked what's the major difference between sleeping with women and sleeping with men and other than the obvious he said that women constantly apologize


Can we fucking stop with this shit? All this talk. All these articles about how sex can be great, suuure, without orgasms. ONE LITTLE DETAIL in all these articles though - almost all the women who don't come with their man are usually getting themselves off alone. I don't know about anyone else, but when I MASTURBATE,