
I like to get socks. But only the kind with reinforced fluffy heels and toes, cause I am classy like that. I also like getting soap, tea towels, and oven mittens. I have low expectations, ok?

Let me guess, you're not black.

Age: Yes, I AM a couple years away from 50 however I am considered by some a "Milf" or a "cougar". Perhaps it is YOUR genes that have graced me so well? Oh-you don't remember ME now, Auntie Grace?

I already did this for Thanksgiving last month. I was banished from the table.

I like to think the truly rebellious thing is choosing the name "John" in a family of Maddox, Pax, Zaharah, Vivienne, and Knox. Maybe in time John will learn to conform and at least go for Xavier or Max. Boys names have Xs in the Jolie-Pitt family!

You people never stop struggling to find some phantom oppression with which to pretend-torture yourselves, do you?

Christianity is an inherently sexist belief system. You can only be both Christian and feminist if you lie to yourself about what one or both of those words mean.

I'm not sure if religion ever really has a place when intellectuals are talking. It is fine and good for the masses to have their make believe stories if it makes them some how behave in a more correct fashion but it has no place when people are discussing reality.

This essay deals with a whole pantheon of religions , not just xtianity.

So you're mad that Jezebel doesn't buy the whole "virgin birth" thing and instead releases interesting, informative, and well researched pieces about how the myth of the virgin birth is related to how we think of women, is part of a long tradition, has to do with how we repress women in general, and how it effects

See? What I've always said...........without nipples, breasts are pointless.

I know a lot of people in the queer community whose lives have been irreparably damaged by intolerant religious people, so while I feel for those who resort to this sort of thing to cope, I have zero qualms about pointing out that the religious beliefs that drive people to do this are absolute bullshit.

God changed his mind about black people so anything's possible.

I won't bash these people and their obvious struggles. I extend no such courtesy to religion.

Dan Savage said on his podcast once while discussing "pray the gay away" organizations that he could never understand the people who swear by that, because they would send their sons to those camps, but at the same time wouldn't be thrilled if their daughter married someone who'd been "cured."

Maybe they'll have Marcus Bachmann on as a guest mentor, he's a pro by now.

I discovered 'a means of alternative sexual gratification' long before I discovered the internet.

This is some Flying Spaghetti Monster-level shit here. The fewer pirates there are, the more global temperatures rise.

C. Everett Koop was asked about giving money to homeless people when he was Surgeon General. The questioner wanted to know if it was good to give money to the homeless when you suspected they were going to "just spend it on alcohol". Koop replied that when a person has reached the point of homelessness alcohol is no