
I agree. Speaking as a foreign resident, "Happiness" is paramount in American culture - it makes Americans quite ambitious and infectiously optimistic (which frankly makes Americans fun to be around in general), but also quite prone to depression when eventually their dreamworld comes crashing down - usually by the

Hang on. Being single is akin to being unemployed or going through divorce? Hahahahahaha no.

You aren't supposed to be happy; you just can't leech the funny out of everyone else.

Cause 'Murica!

And Xanax!

I absolutely hate the culture of "happiness" that is so ingrained in America. It's unhealthy and it's annoying.

Northern European men are always youtube/instagram/snapchat stars. The blonde hair and light eyes mesmerize tweens.

I'm thinking Valeria is a dude. Lots of MRA's and PUA's use female names online. I've been noticing it for months now.

As someone who enjoys some pretty "nonconsensual" erotica and other such stuff... just no.

Let's hear some more about how all this Gamergate shit has to do with journalism ethics, and not garden variety misogyny. Well? I know at least a few of you gamergate dipshits are going to show up. Enlighten me.

So when women are offended by men, they should just shut up and deal with it, but when men are offended by women, we write fan fiction about how she deserves to be raped because she offended us? Seems balanced.

I swear, if one more white dude tries to explain to me that sexism isn't really a thing, that gamergaters are just a "loud minority," that the video game industry doesn't actually have issues with women, I'll kick them in the shins.

Just found this the other day. My mom so rocked the 1950s Christmas jumper.

Honestly, you could wear this today and look pretty styling, I think.

Now playing

for 500 a month you get something like this. No pain no pain

Other people work out for you while you have a cocktail.

It's such a condescending thing to do for clients. It's not helping them at all. Many people are afraid of going to the gym because they feel like the most fit people will judge them and make fun of them. So they attend a condescending business who has no interest in helping them, and just treats them like idiots. Who

That's because you only go on pizza night

I like to sweat. I'm in my gym every day, either swimming or lifting or swinging kettlebells or taking a Zumba, BodyJam, BodyPump, or strength conditioning class. You get old when you stop moving and playing. I'm 60 and shaking the hell out of my big ass booty.

where is the lie tho? PREACH