
^Love this! I loath those statements about black Americans in large part because I'm not going to fool myself about how shitty white Americans really are. All those white parents who took their kids to get contraceptives at 13 or who paid for an abortion at 15 and complain about the decay of the black family are a


I wasn't aware that Bristol Palin was African-American.

Because no white girl EVER got pregnant as a teenager, AMIRIGHT???

Now playing

I will always like the "Or cocaine" version better.

Yeah, such hurt. Patriarchy rapes and kills women for being women, puts them out of work and encourages them to be slaves, but poor men suffer for not being close to their in-laws. Equality!

Men aren't trained to expect sympathy from other men, true, but they are trained to expect sympathy from, without extending sympathy to, women.

I think that's only one aspect of the equation. It's true that men have been presented as neutral and women as props or afterthoughts, but that goes further than people just accepting that men are more central to reality than women. The whole "men are the protagonists, women are the sidekicks" angle doesn't just

It is not that men are unemotional or uncaring, since they are quite strongly affected by what happens to themselves, but they simply are not very emotional when it comes to the feelings of their partner

There's a history of whites condescendingly complimenting blacks for being, "Articulate."

Did you tell them to fuck off?

Nope. Read what I wrote. If a man doesn't want to pay support he can keep his sperm to himself.

A man's control ended the second he let his jizz fly. Keep it in your balls, pants, sock, tissue, condom, whatever. But once you let it fly, you can fuck off.

Who let this woman near a computer machine?!

Oh wait - your husband must have mounted it to the stove-top. Well I won't question his motives, that clever man!

Now now, we all know women can't legally sign contracts.

I love how whenever crazy conservatives in government have a choice between wasting time trying to fuck over women and minorities and actually governing, they choose fucking over women and minorities every time. At least they're dependable.

Did the woman provide written consent for the man to ejaculate in the first place?

"I, as a man who cannot get pregnant but can get women pregnant, DEMAND to have my opinion be heard on abortion! abortion has EVERYTHING to do with me, because I am a man. MEN. THEY'RE IMPORTANT."

Oh she's soooo articulate, which is such a surprise.

This was really amazing. I'll be sure to keep my eye out for your book when it comes.