
Rant Time! (Sorry if this is incoherent, I’m frustrated)

If the cops ever take me out like Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Sandra Bland, et al. I want and give full permission for people to riot and loot as many corporate chain stores as possible and burn as many police stations as they can all throughout the nation, in the my name and in the name of justice. I want people to

If corona virus doesn’t give a shit about the U.S. economy, why should I? I shouldn’t have to be penalized for saving as much money as I can and paying off as much as my student loans as I can either

Any suggestions for donating direct cash payment to undocumented individuals/families, especially those who are farmworkers?

Find a way to contact their mothers/caretakers and tell them what they’re children are doing.

Oh man, you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo close. Use the thinking brain of yours just a little bit more...

Good to remind people that Mike Pence is a christian supremacist and I have no doubt he is filling his corona virus taskforce with “christian warriors” who could give a shit about mitigating the spread of this virus since they most likely believe this is “god’s judgement” at play.

That doesn’t shoe a societal benefit to marriage, it shows the societal policy failures of our government. Healthcare shouldn’t depend on employment status in the first place. How many people are in terrible relationships/marriages that can’t leave because of the situation your significant other found themselves in?

I’m almost too scared to ask what those philosophies are. 

I’m following you on the off chance I would be in the market for a boudoir photoshoot down the line. You seem like you would do me justice. :)

This is timely. There’s a lot of diet talk where I work. My co-workers are either talking about some diet or wanting to diet or how much they’ve gained our lose over the month, year(s) and it all seems so awkward to me. When I was younger I used to lurk on pro-ana livejournals and read about the trial, tribulations,

I feel like this topic keeps coming up repeatedly over time, declaring what killed or is killing feminism (here in the U.S) and the answer is the same as what’s killing society (here in the U.S.), it’s the sexism, the racism (most especially the anti-black racism), classism, cissexism, matrimania/marriage

It’s hard because I don’t see the convenience in shopping online. I just want the “thing” now. I can struggle to try it on and not have to worry about the “size roulette” I have to play when I have to wait for the clothing item to get to my home only to find out it’s the wrong size and have to send it back. I like

Okay, so why are you me, because same. Returning stuff can be almost as much as a hassle.

Welp, I just spent ~$345 at Target struggling to buy clothes for a function tomorrow and I hate it. I just wanted an OUTFIT. Just one. And the moment I stepped in the store, I wanted to leave. How do people do it? How can people shop for hours on end? My feet are killing me and I tried to wear the simplest clothes

Some people just like the thought of licking the boot of the ultra rich. The fact that we have Billionaires is a failure of public policy. It’s sickening really, the societal reality that we’ve created for ourselves.

Thank you. This game is...I don’t want to say “great” because of the depressing subject matter and setting, but I really appreciate that it exists.

That is literally one of my hobbies, along with knitting and playing videogames.

But when it comes time to move tickets, the public at large just isn’t that interested in paying to watch women’s sports. *shrug*

Our larger culture don’t like the idea of women making money. If we did, the pay gap wouldn’t exist.