
girl they don't wanna hear.

The problem is white women, who objectively have it pretty good, often drown out women of color and transgender women, who objectively have it way fucking worse.


Never gets old.

Colorism fuels the world

I'm aware of how class and race intersect, thanks.

But when they do put women of colour on the cover, society responds by buying less magazines. So do you really think it's businesses that are harming society? I think you're giving the fashion industry too much credit and you're not willing to face the really uncomfortable truth here, which is that the average woman

I know I've heard that as well. That still doesn't make their choices right, considering that media influences our choices. It's like a snake eating its own tail, except the snake is racist.

Did anyone else notice that in the Victoria's Secret show, the models of color were mostly in the "Exotic Travels" segment? Part and parcel of this entire phenomenon is treating women of color like a novelty. Not okay.

Honestly, I don't think the Japanese mind that at all. They love themselves some white people and culture.

Time to stop buying these sorry rags.

Because if she wasn't white, she probably wouldn't have been able to get a cab in the middle of the night.

Whyyyy did we spend the whole day talking about Taylor Swift's birthday when it was Buscemi's birthday all along? Happy birthday, Steve! You directed one of the best episodes of The Sopranos and one of the best episodes of 30 Rock!

Seriously, people calling her brave or resourceful instead of damn crazy. This is not an acceptable level of hijinks.

*commits grand larceny*
*gets called daring/resourceful instead of a thug*

Shouldn't the title change from 'Relatable' to 'Idiotic child steals from family..."

I'm sick of hearing about the hurt manfeels. Nothing pushes me to the radical fringes of Feminism faster than dudes whining about their hurt feelings.

Oh please. There's a distinct difference between being a stupid asshole and taking risks as a scientist or thinker. Most men are never going to win a Nobel prize, but many many of them will die from stupidity, whether it's drinking themselves into oblivion or hugging a tree with dad's car. You only need a handful

SPOILER ALERT: Almost 90% of dumb shit perpetrators are men.