I feel like I just watched "white parents be like " meme. Had to snicker at how 'putting the foot down' translated to being banished to the bedroom. If I told my mom to shut up...ooooh. Shit would have played out very differently
As a dark skinned woman, not only does this NOT surprise me, but I can relate to it. I've never been suspended at school for anything, but I've been punished for petty shit. When I was 14 my friends and I were playing with markers at a grocery store. This white lady who works there was asking us what we were doing…
Snaps for that Lupita shout out. "OMG SHE'S SO DARK AND (yet, somehow!!!) PURDY!!111" - white women everywhere.
This is covered quite beautifully in the documentary "Dark Girls": http://officialdarkgirlsmovie.com/about/
Ok, I don't know if anyone else had or remembers the TV channel "The Box" where you could call and pay to have music videos played. I think Youth Asylum used to come on and have a song called "Jasmine" I remember kind of liking it lol. But maybe it wasn't them. I'm mostly interested if anyone remembers The Box.
If you think that this guy's story is terrible, you should look up look some stories from the Korean pop industry. They are INSANE.
This is the sort of bullshit white folk reference when discussing topics of race.. The language that they disagree with.
the girl who kicked the horny pest
In a just universe, homeless (but queer and larcenous) waif answers the ad, slips something in the guy's drink to make him sleep, then ties him naked to the bed. Then she and her girlfriend ransack his place, take anything of value, and find the PINs for all his cards. They depart after taking a few pics of him naked…
As a white person, I can say that this result is because most white people view racist actions as nothing short of being in the KKK. They don't think the Michael Brown incident had anything to do with race because they don't view subtle discrimination ingrained over the span of a person's whole life as racism. It's…
We should probably stop asking white people questions about race, as we've proven over and over that about 90% of us are completely incapable of providing a non-racist and competent answer.
Your God is bullshit, sorry.
You are so fucking annoying. Shut the fuck up. Why are you proud of yourself for having basic dietary knowledge????
especially since the piece of shit explicitly spelled that out himself.
It is disturbing to be the amount of mental logistics people will go through to try to imply that these women weren't killed for being educated women. This is what happens when we condone a society that devalues women and mocks those that attempt to make changes.
"Oh Meelat, why did you stare at the mayor?"
"Do not speak, if you speak they will know you are simple. If they know you are simple, they will drown you in river!"