All minority groups can and should speak up or themselves
All minority groups can and should speak up or themselves
Don't I know. I could go on all day about colorism between blacks specific to the Deep South. I've had black men sidle up to me & ask why I'm with a white man. (Now, I didn't specifically choose who I'm with- he came looking for me.) Anyway, here's some of what I've been told by by some black men on dates in the past:…
Hollywood is the perfect example of white liberal racism. Despite it's socially liberal views on sex, religion, etc., the entertainment industry still holds onto conservative views about race and gender. While white women still have to face sexism in the industry, they're still held to a higher standard than black…
Good. Fuck him and his Bieber hair.
And funny how gang bangs, rape fantasies, DP are a-ok!
"Penetration by any object 'associated with violence'"
How the fuck is female ejaculation an impairment to 'physical, mental and moral development' and male ejaculation is not?
No, that royally pissed me off. Let's ban male ejaculation while we're at it.
Am I the only one seeing an element of sexism here? Much BDSM is femme-dom, and more than that a bunch of these (face-sitting, female ejaculation being the obvious ones) are focused on female pleasure when it hetero situations. This isn't just about BDSM.
Am I the only one who thinks that banning female ejaculation is the most offensive?
So facefucking and male ejaculation are banned too?
Well shit, now they have to re-write the whole fifth season of Downton Abbey.
How you gonna ban the porn from porn?
Alright, guys. It's been translated for you by one of your own, so no more excuses and no more "I don't get it." Time to get with the program, or Terry C. will come pec-flex you into oblivion.
As if I needed another reason to love Terry Crews.
"When I spoke to Noxon, she explained that she wanted to create a show that captured this particular time in our society: when it's becoming more common for women to out-earn their spouses and have to deal with the gender politics that arise from that."
Carol was moving fairly well after having been in two serious car accidents back-to-back. Supports up my assumption that she is a highlander.
It was an honest mistake... she meant to call them thugs.