
I disagree. There’s an implied wink and nudge that goes along with “a gentleman never tells.”

How much do you think federal judges make? Do you somehow think $200,000 in debt to someone who makes $160,000/year is chump change? You don’t sound like someone who knows a lot about how anything works.

As a hetero male my swipe lefts would be women who use the words “queen”, “goddess” or “diva”.

Yeah, but on the other hand, I’m not gonna get along with someone who voted for Trump. I’ll never have sex with someone who would force a woman to stay pregnant against her will. I won’t be able to have a polite conversation with a guy who thinks the communities I work with are lazy freeloaders. I’m not gonna kiss a

Right, I like how only the people who have a problem with racism, homophobia, etc. are the ones being divisive. 

I’m 6'2" and left it out because I got sick of seeing women who only wanted tall guys. Like, it’s weird. I’m not gonna play to you being a petty about height.

Putting no Trump supporters is shorthand for “no racists, no homophobes, no xenophones, no misogynists” etc.

I’ve got someone hitting me up that has long-term potential, but I’ve told her I need some time to be single, since this is my last chance to do it, but I’m not sure what I’m doing.

I read that and I thought to myself “If you have to call yourself a catch, you’re probably not as much of one as you think you are.” Honestly, this guy seems exhausting. 

This letter writer sounds absolutely insufferable.

I’ve never really been single for more than a few months since I’ve typically got a queue of people wanting to date me (I’m a bit of a catch).

I have definitely written my name too fast and misspelled it...many times

Seriously. That paragraph might be the best bit of strategy I’ve heard from an elected (or extremely likely to be elected) Democrat in a long time.

You lose all credibility when you smear Dykstra by claiming she had a “high school mentality.”

It’s mostly hubris. 

As someone who speaks Arabic, “kanan is basically a non-entity as either an Arabic word or name. That dog was almost certainly named after the Star Wars Rebels character. I guess it’s fine though, because at least white Twitter got to spend a few hours getting off on co-opting brown people persecution.

13/10 heckin good response from a real good boy. would press star button again

I will never get tired of this meme.  

Why don’t these pieces trash just date each other?