
Thank you, yes! It genuinely aggravates me that third-party voters don’t seem to understand that our Constitution requires candidates to win an absolute majority in the Electoral College, and that party coalitions can only function or effectively govern in a parliamentary system. Libertarians and extreme leftists

True, but a flea infects a human by literally spewing its diseased vomit. That seems like a pretty apt description of Trump’s stump speeches.

Fuck off with your false equivalence.

Since September 2015, Trump has received $4.6 billion worth of free media (Clinton’s received $2.5 billion).

This is such a perfect description.

No, that’s exactly right—her decision to be administered chloroform ensured the rapid popularization of epidurals. But it was supposedly at Albert’s pressing (he was a bit of a science nerd and liked to be up to date on medical advances), and she only consented to be chloroformed during her eighth pregnancy. Her first

Personally, I’m rather indifferent to Sandberg, but I’d say her variety of feminism is problematic because it doesn’t bother to destabilize patriarchal culture. Instead of addressing the structural barriers that prevent women from making strides in the workplace, her book focuses on the ways in which women internalize

Based on what I’ve read of her journals, I’d say that’s probably right. Most of her negative comments seem to be focused on the violation of taboos. She was less bothered by sex than the flaunting of one’s sex life, e.g., women who had the audacity to appear heavily pregnant in public.

While she definitely referred to pregnancy and female bodies as disgusting, it’s not entirely clear that she hated sex. There are a few (potentially apocryphal) stories suggesting that she and Albert had an active sex life. And her dislike of pregnancy likely stemmed from the fact that she repeatedly suffered

To be fair, overpopulation isn’t a particularly large concern in developed nations, e.g., most countries in Western Europe have a stagnant or decreasing birth rate, and their overall populations would be shrinking if it weren’t for international migration. Overpopulation is obviously a huge issue in developing

To be fair, only four presidents have died due to bodily ailments, and only 2 of those deaths were in the twentieth century—both before the discovery of the polio vaccine and the standardization of immunization procedures. So, the notion that we should be perpetually concerned about a president’s health based on your

I agree with your overall point, but mentioning Reagan probably doesn’t help your argument, given that he suffered dementia while in office.

There’s definitely some cause for concern, but I wouldn’t trust what’s been said on Fox News. Nate Silver’s polls-only forecast gives Trump a 1.5 percent chance of winning the popular vote while losing the Electoral College. So, while the race is still close enough that Clinton could potentially lose, the chances of

I’ll fully admit that I’m worried, but aggregates of poll data show that she is still expected to win the popular vote by 3.2 percent. Trump is more likely than Clinton to win the electoral vote while losing the popular vote.

As I’ve said to other commenters, I assumed he was misinformed. But my horror had nothing to do with pronunciation concerns or the legitimacy of his revisionist history. Rather, I was disturbed by the fact that he was proudly declaring his loyalty to the Confederacy.

For what it’s worth, I kind of figured that he was full of shit (the notion that the Confederacy established a particular pronunciation seemed ludicrous to me). But I am relieved to hear that his brand of ignorance isn’t a Missourian norm—it was only a 20-minute cab ride, but it was thoroughly horrifying.

Uh, seriously? In what context would it be acceptable for a college dean to utter these words: “Whether that was a reasonable person would believe, so [respondent] in this case, that it should stop immediately, the way she stated it was in a way that well, if you’re not going to finish, so if he was going to finish

A few years ago when I was checking out grad schools, I flew to Missouri. Five minutes after landing, I proceeded to have an oh-so-pleasant chat with a cab driver in which he explained that residents call their state Missourah because it’s the “correct Confederate way,” and “only Yankees say Missouree.”

I’m relatively confident that KKK members aren’t well versed in 18th-century satire.

I don’t know the context and understand approx. 0 percent of Jezebel’s in-fighting dynamics, but I’m starring this for the sheer perfection of “sealioning, gaslighting dingus.”