I think "Basic Human Anatomy" (Freaky Friday) was the best season 4 episode, and a damn fine episode in general. The scene with Annie swooning over the dean who was acting like winger was pure gold.
I think "Basic Human Anatomy" (Freaky Friday) was the best season 4 episode, and a damn fine episode in general. The scene with Annie swooning over the dean who was acting like winger was pure gold.
And suddenly Yahoo finds a way to become relevant again.
So... eugenics?
Why does Nintendo keep letting Team Ninja destroy their franchises?
watch the video, they did fix it, in that they made it easier to climb down.
There was absolutely nothing to suggest that all the different hunter groups across the game were in any way united. There were the Pittsburgh hunter groups, and then David's cannibal group in Wyoming. Completely distinct groups. The fireflies were united across the country, true, but incredibly disorganized, which…
God of War 1 & 2, Jak & Daxter 1,2 & 3, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Sly Cooper 1, 2, & 3 and FFX and FFX-2 were all PS2 games ported to the ps3, so there is precedent.
Saying that it has the worst driving of any game since the ps2 is such a vast overstatement. You clearly never played any of the Far Cry games. I would argue that you probably just haven't given it enough of a chance yet. And you inability to come up with inventive gameplay from all the different available hacks…
Except this game does a lot of new and interesting stuff. The hacking massively adds to the game, to the point that I very rarely feel the need to pull out my gun. When I do use my gun, it feels as good as the best 3rd person shooters. The driving controls feel different than other games, but once you learn them,…
They are now the LA Clippys:
I wonder if the Rock Band/Guitar Hero musical genre will ever see a comeback. One major hurdle that it faces is everyone will have to buy new instruments for next gen consoles.
Sure, except this also includes ~$40 worth of DLC. It's basically an uprezzed Game of the Year edition.
FFVII and FFXIII were launched on PC around the same time they were first launched on PS, not just recently on steam. That's how I first played FF7 since I didn't have a playstation.
Am I the only one who thinks this game looks horrible? Freespace and Tachyon: The Fringe had much better graphics, and they came out over a decade ago...
No Infamous love? That was my favorite series on PS3 (unfortunately Second Son failed to live up to it's predecessors...)
My complaint isn't that he wasn't powerful. It's more the fact that I don't want to see him on my screen, or read his dialogue. His very existence greatly weakens the setting of FFIX.
If Quina is Jar Jar, then Steiner is C3PO.
I really don't care how powerful he is. Listening to him talk just makes want to turn off the game and never look back.
82. Edward