
This meat sack right here is a prime example of what we get when we want to purity test our candidates straight into the molten center of the earth. Mike Braun has his seat because he’s obviously perfect for today’s GOP (racist, ignorant and completely unqualified), but also because he had to beat a Democratic

Lol, that wouldn’t rid your proposed Blue Nation of Mike Braun. Unless we’re moving the Mason Dixon now...

Yes, this is exactly where my mind went when I watched it last night! I could care less to know that there is yet another sociopathic compulsive liar out there (truly, they are legion). The real story isn’t that she was taken in by this idiot, but that she did then and continues now to avoid taking ANY responsibility

I did too - I nursed a major crush on Ted as a tiny pre-teen.

“...but the behaviors are really familiar to us because of how much it mirrors real-life examples that we deal with in our law practice all of the time.”

People who drag unknowing others into the closet with them are a whirlwind of toxicity. It isn’t just the sheer mindfuck of your reality being turned on its head when that person comes out - it’s all of the mindfuckery that precedes it: the projection, the gaslighting, the lack of emotional presence, the general cloud

I’ve mentioned it here before, but this seems like a prime moment to weigh in as a cishet woman whose spouse came out as gay after we’d been married for ten years.

A.) I truly love that ad placement.

And at the bottom of this page, I see a MasterClass ad for a class hosted by Bill Clinton. Jesus, this fucking site...

Alford already did:

Kinja is and always has been garbage; that’s central to its *charm*.

Right - I’m sure that it depends on the state, but CPS where I live will call to let you know that there has been a report of concern and then set a time to come to the home for an interview. Once they’ve been let into the home, they require some investigation before they can finish their report; here they must*: 

Now playing

I will never miss an opportunity to share this cursed video:

These findings are unsurprising. Given the choice between dating someone who at a bare minimum recognizes that all people deserve basic human rights and that protected classes have a need to be outlined as such, and someone who doesn’t give a shit about other people...

This Christmas tree, “... It’s about Hanukah.”

Unfortunately, the northern Georgia electorate that gave her this platform appears to be mostly comprised of people who are also as thick as pig shit. I wish I could count on her and her cuntery being a 1-term shitshow, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she held her seat for awhile, considering the trajectories of politic

Absolutely. I get REALLY tired of the narrative that because one person grew up to be fucking awful, it must be their parents fault and the parents are awful as well.

Conversely, my favorite is when an actor does not don a false accent and a sort of explanation is written into the script. I watched a German film this weekend (“I’m Your Man”); one of the starring actors is English but speaking German in the film, and the story briefly touches on the reason why he speaks with an

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! *I cannot wait for that thread*

Yikes, I haven’t seen the straight up “alpha” reference on profiles so much (which is surprising, considering that I live in a red midwestern state), but I have noticed several that identify as “liberal” men will say that they’re “dom” or dominant on their profiles. Which, unless you’re clearly stating that you’re dom