
The only comment that matters. ^

THIS. A million times, this. My husband came out to m within this last year and it has been a horrific, awful time. But even if he wanted to, I couldn’t stay in a relationship where it’s now clear that I was never desired in that way.

Thank you. I almost wish we were the divorcing couple who’re screaming and throwing plates at each other, because separating would be a little easier and bring more relief. I look forward to continuing a friendship after I deal with my own grief ~ just trying to seek peace right now.

Yesss!!! She and Denise Richards are going to breathe new life into this tired show!!

Exactly. This sort of study would be more useful in a future world, where homophobia was far, FAR less prevalent.

How could I leave that out?

With this new information, I would pay gooood money to see a rap battle between Martha and Gwyneth, coached by these two men. I do believe Martha would win. She always wins.

Exactly. If Gwyneth doesn’t have someone Snoop Dogg-level in her squad, she’s better off to just back away slowly. Martha does not come to play.


Teaching this stuff is only possible when someone is interested. I’m just barely olde enought to qualify as a Gen-Xer and I have a Gen Z niece who wants to learn canning, preserving, other stuff, but gets bored and is on her phone halfway through the process each time. She doesn’t really learn much, so much as we end

John Stamos’s entire purpose in life since he was 19, has been to show up, look pretty (which, job VERY well done there, sir), and spout some cheesy tag lines that pass for basic cable-level humor... and perhaps ride that nostalgia wave into the sunset. I don’t think that critical thinking skills or even a general

Can’t wait to pour one out for Collins’ senate career.

The funny thing is that Mossimo used to be this hip, southern California brand in it’s pre-Target days. If you were wearing that brand, you had a few dollars to spend.

Did i see Kate McKinnon behind the desk as Robbie walks to the elevator? Or are my eyes already going?

I agree. I really like her and am sad that she’s leaving, but she is quick to dissolve into meltdown and lash out mode when someone steps to her. Or even at other random times - her losing it and collapsing into a full-on panic attack in Miami when haranguing LuAnn for not being grateful enough was fucking nuts. And

Next to other petrified, shellacked swordfish, probably.

But Vicki, Nene and LVP ruined their shows because they couldn’t even pretend to give a shit about anyone else.

Late ‘80's, we were taking those shoestring ones and lacing them into our L.A. Gear’s - basically running around with lip balm sticks clanging against our ankles. I’m sure it made sense to me at the time.

I guess we all turn into our parents at some point.

Judging by his behavior on screen and these tweets, we’re about one election cycle away from this dude launching a presidential campaign.