Below, from his Wikipedia page. And might I just add ~ JESUS H. CHRIST:
Below, from his Wikipedia page. And might I just add ~ JESUS H. CHRIST:
Well, yes - of course. I guess I should have indicated hard sarcasm on that “catch the autism” comment. I phrase it that way because that’s how these idiot anti-vaxxers with their internet PhD’s treat it - like something just an inch away from becoming communicable.
This exactly. My son is on the spectrum, and that is the first thing that I think when I see this shite. He’s quirky and fucking awesome (very, very much into all things Italian and loves Franks Sinatra - like I said, fucking coolest 7 -yr-old ever)... I’m glad that I won this lottery.
“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.” The funny thing about experience is that you do not obtain it unless you bother to do it!
Goddammit, Biff IS president. Fuck if time travel doesn’t explain it all.
...while the shape-shifting does occur, it’s in a comfortable way if your corset is well-made
OMG, dismiss the trolls...
They just always act so fucking condescending.
Who also REFUSED to pardon a man who was wrongfully convicted (the man was released from prison in 2006, but the conviction remained on his record because, WTF??). Pence’s Republican successor made it is first order of business upon taking office. Pence is a flaming asshole.
I agree with you about point 1.
As are his questionable politics. Hotness is so very relative (case in point: dude in my office who my coworker and I used to refer to as “4th Floor Hot Guy”... decidedly less hot beyond the confines of office walls. But when you work with lots of women and also lots of paunchy middle-aged white guys, the stock goes up…
Thank you!! I sat through about 20 minutes of this movie wondering about that before slapping my forehead - dammit, I’d had them confused!
My mother had an aluminum tree in her house as a kid and always wanted one as an adult. She finally found one at a yard sale a few years ago. And then scored a color wheel at another yard sale. I found this tree stand that is meant to rotate an aluminum tree (antique shop, that time), and voilà: fully retro Christmas…
At first, I read that as, “Chihuahua for sale”. Which... sold!
Well, there you go - I think you just explained the “why” of Christianity as well.
Dr. America! I follow him - he’s doing great work :)
Lord Jesus, please spare us this dime-store Cameron Diaz. Amen.
I suppose it depends upon when the reaper chooses to visit. If it’s within the next few years, then I wholeheartedly agree with you.
I, like Trump, am also dismayed that yesterday’s funeral was not his.