
No! I don’t want him, either!

OR do whatever the fuck you want to with you your body hair. Wax it, shave it or leave it. You don’t owe it to anybody to arrange your body hair in a manner more to another person’s liking, whether you are pregnant or not...

That is intense - and what does that say about your skeezy husband?

Well, the people watching is delightful at those things, I must say. Thanks, drunk people!

I also appreciate that Hodgman wore their blackbelt to let DeVos & co. know that Hodgman is not to be fucked with. What a badass this kid is! I love it!

My best guess is this: race season here kicks off with a half marathon that starts downtown and sends runners once around the track before looping back downtown to the finish. I thank the selfless American whom I imagine sacrificed their best finish time to leave that most important of messages.

Because shaming other people for their parenting choices is our new national pastime.

I heard this same shit over and over and over and over and over as a tween/teen girl. From teachers, counselors, my own mother.

Ah, I would have LOVED this. I try to be the friend who just shows up with a meal and orders mama to go chill and do whatever she wants for a bit, nap, shower, read, whatevs that will help her feel like a human being again.

Ahhh, Babywise. Controversy-laden sleep training book for several reasons (method aside, one reason is it’s author Gary Ezzo, another is the books that follow it are controlling weird bullshit - there is no way to be “Toddlerwise”, you just endure a toddler until they become not a toddler).

Def not atypical. I was born in ‘80 and my mom told me once about taking me to the church nursery - she said that when she dropped me off before the service, it was a madhouse in there, a domino effect of babies crying. She was first to pick me up after the service was over and noted to the attendants in the room that

Although I have always wondered how it’s legal for parents of newborns to drive.

Not soon enough! They seem to release each season in Jan/Feb, so we have a long wait :/

killing people wouldn’t give the government pause but having video of them driving a tank through some militiaman’s front door going viral worldwide would make them look bad

White people value things more than lives.

Same here. As time passes and I hear what other people are going through, I appreciate my ex and his not being a complete asshole. But then again, I’m sure it helped that we had absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever and no children together.

Betty: “That dry cleaning had better not be all over the floor!”

I hope she enjoyed it; it doesn’t appear that skating is allowed in Gilead.

I read at the time that January Jones was a total diva on set and Matthew Weiner began cutting her screen time back. I felt that some of her storylines thereafter were kind of vindictive on his part, the terminally ill Betty one included. Just IMO.