
Sounds like the premise for a Dr. Who monster

“Area commenter worried that the Internet has a liberal bias”

Dead Brother is on Team America; Bug Guy #2 is on Team Mineral

But how much bouncing off things would it really do? Aren't most everyday things transparent to them?

Dyna is definitely best girl

Damn, it didn’t make it

I'd pay good money to see an animated series featuring this team

Hey, Snuff, as a white person, I want you to shut the fuck up

Hey, Snuff, as a white person, I want you to shut the fuck up

Hey, Snuff, as a white person, I want you to shut the fuck up

Cool to think about how the town where he grew up in influenced Jesus's later political activism

solution: get more friends who watch anime

Is the joke really going over people's heads? Did you guys watch the video?

And then you're getting down to questions of what is life? If life is reproductive patterns of material (this is just a random definition off the top of my head), why couldn't there be life deep in the sun, for example?

but the question is: does it scrobble?

Wait, Chris Evans was the guy in Push....woah.

But then there is also the fact that we've had committed more drone strikes than ever under his administration

u wot m8

So more like you're what's wrong with the world