
What exactly was the point of showing the moms in the cold open as being pro-trump? Was it just a way of saying they weren’t doing politics tonight, or a commentary on older white women supporting trump, or a joke about how the show goes after him, while the actor’s mom like him, or what?

That bit was agonizingly bad and seemed to last for ten minutes. Perhaps she convincingly portrayed a sensitive teen girl in the YouTube age- where’s the comic premise? What’s funny about it? Do they think teens watch this shitty ancient show?

I was referring to the NFL investigation after the Ray Rice video tape.

That was one of the funniest game show skits they’ve ever done, and they’ve done some amazing game show skits these past couple of seasons.

It’s a pretty fucked up race between Oklahoma and Iowa, then. IA just passed a bill that bans abortions after 6 weeks. Barely - if any - time to discover you’re pregnant.

If you’re familiar with the last big Mueller investigation, you know what to expect here: after all this drama, it’ll end up being a whitewash for Trump. Expecting Republicans to turn on each other due to some higher respect for the law has been a fools’ game since at least the 1990s. The left has wasted far too much

I saw this video yesterday and rage has been bubbling up in me ever since. Besides the obvious disgusting behaviour that led to Damon being killed, what is possibly even worse - and that’s saying a lot - is the (lack of) treatment he received afterward. Just a bunch of vampires lurking around a still warm body they

Walking Dead spoiler!!

Three people in the past week have told me that eating local honey helps with allergies, because pollen or whatever. Shoveling sticky bee vomit into my maw is just what I want to be doing when my entire head is melting and leaking 24-7.

While untold amounts of rape kits sit on a shelf or are disposed of. Yeah, “justice”.

Exactly, my kid was a serial nudist until like 5 or 6. Plus they are at home.

He’s spots on! But something is a little off about her... Could be the fact that his face has been in our brains a lot longer and we can distinguish his features more readily. But pretty damn good....

These violent delights have violent ends.

Can’t agree with you on this one. NO ONE should care what a 3-year-old girl is wearing any more than they should care what a 3-year-old boy is wearing.

And your saying that it’s ok “in her own home” but not in public is suspect, too. She’s not a sexual object ANYWHERE, so how is her “privacy” and what she does “in her

Right? What a fucking knob. All he has to do is live in Switzerland or France or whatever. He beat the system and he’s still fucking whining?????? And people still don’t believe privilege is a thing...

I am so mad at these Mf’s but happy this man made sure the OHRC came correct! That place was a known late night restaurant as a lot of Chinese food restaurants are in the downtown area. I’m pissed because I was introduced to it by a colleague of mine as being pretty legit and I pretty much spent my 20's in there at

"And they can't even spell my name right!"