
Off topic, but do you know about the little boy who was distraught about whether or not his dead dad who was an atheist would be going to heaven and the pope comforting him over it? It’s the ridiculous religious mythos that *caused* that little boy’s distress in the first place, so what is there to laud about this

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I wish they hadn’t cut out the last part of that on this video, but it’s still heartening to see Mr. Clemmons’ obvious affection for Mr. Rogers after reading the above article.

Truly. Just the change in her stride and demeanor after putting on the stethoscope was amazing to watch.

Tom Toles and Clay Jones draw my favorite comic strip Trump caricatures. Clay Jones’ hair and tie for Trump crack me up every time. This one even has the tie-holding scotch tape.

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Oh, yeah. I think these two were the worst of the worst on that. Ugggh.

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I don’t know if this is the video that was supposed to be linked in the broken “footage” link in the article, but here’s at least one about that outfit. I couldn’t make it past 22 seconds.

Not necessarily rich, but “two-thirds of Trump’s supporters had household incomes above the national median of about $50,000.”

I remember Howard Stern once saying to her that “every woman” should look like her. I imagined what a strange world that would be, where every female was a clone of HL, and then all the efforts we’d go to in order to look different from each other in terms of weight, hair color, body mods, etc. I kept having visions

Rachel Dolezal and Paris Jackson “identify” as black too.

She reminds me of Iggy Azalea in more ways than one, such as inappropriate use of the n-word.

Agreed. It shows how he ignored his own daughter who was right in front of him to shake a man’s hand first.

I’m as anti-Drumpf as they come, but this particular moment is akin to The Dotard and Abe feeding koi fish misleading edits.

He didn’t sign as the father. He signed as the attending physician who delivered the baby. Most all birth certificates include, in addition to the parents’ signatures, the signature of the physician or midwife who was at the birth. From the linked Wapo article: “It had been signed by the doctor who delivered her —

Oh wow, the mom in the wheelchair! Shades of Bette Midler’s Delores de Lago! I didn’t even click on that. Now you’ve almost got me intrigued to see how that actually plays out (no, not really ... will maybe check out some plot synopses when the season’s done). And right, another thing that bothered me too was the

Thanks for posting this. I was struggling to remember what this trope is called or where I saw a video about it when recently watching my first (and last) episode of the new mermaids series, “Siren.”

From his treatment of his ex-wife, I’d say that personality-wise, he sounds like a shit. I’m still interested in and follow what’s happening with SpaceX though.

This is long, but really good too.

It’s a great way to financially help the cause and also get some goodies besides just a membership card in return.

The Twitter deal is when I began checking them out too (and comparing them to The Church of Satan, an Anton LaVey-based group and definitely not of interest to me).