That's it! Time to rebel against the pants! Viva La Maxi Skirt!
That's it! Time to rebel against the pants! Viva La Maxi Skirt!
I've had at least six different doctors checking out my lady parts (not all gynos, some PCPs) and the only woman I didn't hate was a german gynecologist at a clinic overseas. The two female gynos I had seemed to doubt my symptoms and one even said I was wasting her time ("I didn't have to fit you in today!)
Do you find it easier to buy pants without a waist gap? I have a medium ass, a medium waist, and I still need to wear a damned belt with jeans. I'm starting to think it may be a universal problem with pants (trousers UK people!)
They have a similar product in the US called RePhresh, but it is hella expensive ($23 for a 4 pack). My gyno said to try it every 3 days, so more than $50 a month for something I'm not really sure works. I'm definitely not feeling like my symptoms are all resolved. When I lived in the UAE my gynae told me to take a…
My mother was (is?) a Valley Girl. Like, an OG Valley Girl. I totally like, can't help it because I grew up hearing it.
I don't care how expensive it is, I can't wait for Diflucan to be OTC. If dudes needed pills to clear up jock-itch, you know you'd be able to pick it up at 7-11 right now.
Different dyes and fillers? I think that is probably more likely in the case of allergy pills than PPIs though. Personally, I know I have experienced the placebo effects of a medication (a generic SSRI) before I felt the clinical effects. Also: human bodies are weird.
I hope Micheal Che is the straight man on that bit. I know he'd have some great reactions, judging from his stint on the The Daily Show.
I never got to ride it before they changed it to be Stitch themed. My husband thinks it was better then too. He understands why they changed it, because it was scary, and changing it didn't change the physical experience, just the emotional one, and it isn't bad just different.
I honestly wouldn't miss the movie. My FIL makes us do it every visit, and then go to the China CircleVision too. Ugh. Give me a beers around the world passport and leave me alone!
I think the last time I was in Disneyland was 2008. The Swiss Family Treehouse at Disney World was unchanged.
I hope they do a better job of turning Maelstrom into a Frozen ride than Disneyland did turning the Swiss Family Treehouse in to Tarzan's Treehouse. All they did was put big statues of cartoon characters in the existing rooms. Sometimes, I think I can still hear the strains of the pipe organ....(you totally can…
Wait, that's a thing?!? I lived in Abu Dhabi for 3 years and thought how lame the Dubai Ice Bar was without any alcohol.
I believe I heard something about this, maybe in Europe? A college of cardinals saying birth control for nuns was totes cool, because it had health benefits and those brides of Christ wouldn't be slutting it up.
Mine is very weird: Al Yankovic. Seriously, I've been listening to Now That's What I Call Polka from his latest album, and literally get a little wet from his silly MC lines. Yes Al, I am your sexy laaaady. (Swoon) I don't care if he dances like one of those balloon-fan people advertising car dealerships,…
I don't recall ever using a toilet seat liner, and I've never had the balance for hovering, so I am with you on this one. My hubby is slightly germophobic, and he still goes bare ass on the seat.
I have many years' worth of food diaries and journals, charts with my cycle and the weather on it and I still can't figure out what causes my migraines. I'm glad you were able to figure it out. I've pretty much given up trying to puzzle it out for myself. Taking fioricet in the morning and a marijuana candy at night…
Trying to catch you out is horrible. As irritating as I find the bandwagon dieters who go from carbs to wheat to juicing to whatever is next, I wouldn't lie about what's in food I serve them. It's just spiteful, and in the case of a restaurant, spiteful and pointless.
Because going gluten free is very difficult for her, she doesn't feel better, she's gaining weight, but she's been entirely convinced by her naturopath that gluten is the culprit. She's an anti-gluten evangelist, but she's willing to make exceptions if we are out drinking at one of our regular water holes. It's hard…
I would say it's rational to dislike the anti-gluten movement because it is a movement based on some really anti-scientific beliefs, such as "Humans were never meant to eat wheat." I am glad that the spread of gluten-free foods has helped people with celiac's disease. Unfortunately, I think there is strong evidence…