
There are points where I disagree with her, but she’s not wrong here.

Only the clearance-rack ones do. The high-quality ones know better than to open their mouths or express an opinion that isn’t their owner’s.

No! The heels are to be discarded last! The first heel helps keep the rest of the loaf fresher, with the repeated opening and closing of the bag!

My bet is tumor

Oh yeah that’s absolutely what you sign up for when you have a kid, but you have to realize that caring too much, aka helicopter parenting, only hurts your kid. And that not caring about any kids other than yours will probably end up hurting yours in the end too.

For the most part, yeah this article is a bit overblown. I’m sure a good chunk were legitimately happy to see McCain and genuinely wanted to show support, but even without that, part of their job is to be seen caring. We all do it, saying “I’m sorry” when someone you barely know loses a loved one, or clapping during

It’s not a hot take, you merely just fell for what McCain always does, talk about one thing and then vote the other way. It didn’t have to come down to 50/50 if had just stayed his sick ass in treatment, but alas, here we are. If you still believe that McCain opened our partisan floodgates to finally allow “real

So.....*when* he votes yes, taking healthcare away from millions of Americans, then can we say “fuck him”? Cause there were a few comments that had that sentiment when he was diagnosed, and the commenting community at large was all “Where’s your humanity?/ Have some sympathy/ This isn’t the place.” So yes, seriously

Fuck John McCain.

I have no kind words for John McCain. I do not wish him a speedy recovery, I do not wish him extended lifetime. The spineless, self described “maverick” rolled over for a fucking moron who consistently insulted him and his service (and by proxy the rest of the servicemen and women).

Yes, he did. In front of a room full of reporters. I live in AZ, and this guy has a long history of anger control issues. I’m sorry he has cancer, but he’s 80 years old and has led a full life. He’ll end his life with the very best of medical and hospice care, unlike many Americans who are having their healthcare

Which, unfortunately, is the genetic defect of conservatives. They never do the right thing unless it’s something that’s affected them directly.

Sinners don’t become saints because of a cancer diagnosis. I feel for the man’s family, but I can’t seem to muster a lot of sympathy for the man himself. Especially considering he was about to take away the health care that he and his family are going to be taking full advantage of, from 20+ million people.

Anyone who denies that misogyny had a lot to do with that 13% is either a fool or a liar.

First of all, lol at your many attempts to make sure the Sanders people don’t flame you. Good luck with that.

HamNo’s written the “progressive” white guy’s opinion on the democrats that we’ve gotten about 500 hundred of already. His talking points have already been thoroughly rebutted with facts, and yet these “radical” holier than thou bros just keep at it, burying their heads in the sand when someone engages their unsound

Yes, exactly, thank you. The Greens are concerned with nothing else than running a vanity candidate every 4 years. Not getting on school boards and elected dogcatcher and comptroller and every other low level but still very-goddamn-important elected position. They want the image, not the job.

“Clinton lost- get over it! It’s that simple!”

Obama was a man born poor that worked his way into one of the best colleges in the nation on his own merit and then sacrificed the money party that usually comes with that to work as a public servant before running for office.